Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fun Times at the ER

Yesterday, I noticed that little Charlie-Bug looked a bit flushed. I tried to ignore it since a) I am trying to limit my first-time-mom freak-outs, and b) we happened to have a pediatrician appointment (the twins' four month well child check) the next day anyways. But by the time Brian got home from work she was fussy and feeling a bit warm so we took her temperature and found that she was running a low-grade fever. The on-call nurse at the pediatrician's office listened to the symptoms and wanted us to go ahead and take Charlotte to the ER to rule out something called cellulitis. So we packed up, called Grandma to come over and watch Jensen, and piled in the car for Charlotte's first trip to the emergency room! To be honest, we weren't terribly concerned...I know that sounds bad, but sometimes you have gut feelings that things are wrong, and sometimes you have gut feelings that things are okay. And we both felt like she was not terribly ill. but if a nurse suggests I take my child to the ER, I am definitely not going to argue.

Ahhh...the many joys of the ER. As we sat there and debated googling "cellulitis" on our cell phones (decision: no. What's the point in freaking ourselves out?), we looked around at our fellow ER visitors. There are some, uh, let's just say interesting people at the ER. You know that awkward moment when you're in your car, stopped at a stoplight, and a suspicious-looking pedestrian is walking nearby? You want to lock your car doors but you don't want them to hear you lock your doors and know that you think they're suspicious. The ER was kind of like that. Any time someone who looked sick/suspicious/suspiciously sick walked near us, we would try to subtly pull Charlotte's hood thing down farther over her car seat as she slept obliviously. But the bright side is, we think we have figured out how to pay for Charlotte and Jensen's college educations: you know that website, People of Walmart? We are going to launch our own website called 'People of the ER.' Genius, right?

So to make a long story short, we saw a doctor at the ER, then we followed up with her pediatrician this afternoon. The verdict? They think she just has sensitive skin! (And maybe a random little virus, but they aren't sure.) We already use the fragrance-free laundry detergent, but we are now going to switch to fragrance-free soap and lotion as well. Brian has sensitive skin, so this diagnosis didn't come as much of a surprise.

Anyways, here's a pic of her before we went to the hospital. Her face is still red today, but not this bad.

And here's a pic of Charlotte and Daddy in our room at the hospital. I love how the look on Brian's face clearly says, "Why on Earth are you taking her picture right now? We're in the hospital."

And finally, a pic of her little ankle with the hospital bracelet attached. Just because it's cute.

Two other events from yesterday and today:

1) Jensen rolled over from back to front yesterday! And fittingly enough, he was being a naked baby on the blanket when he did it...I took a picture of him right after he did it, but have decided not to post it because it shows his bare bum. This is a public blog, and who knows what kinds of creepers are lurking about??

2) Charlotte and Jensen had their four-month well child checkup today. They both looked great...but small! Jensen is only in the 25th percentile for both height and weight and Charlotte is in the 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height. Maybe they are just going to be little, or maybe they still have some catching up to do since they were born early, who knows? As long as they're healthy, we don't care if they're shorties. :)


  1. Glad it wasn't anything too serious for Charlotte. Poor little thing has had to spend too much time with doctors already!

  2. Can I do a tag website with you guys called, "People of the DMV"??

    Those kids keep getting cuter!

  3. Wow...poor Charlotte. That child has had more then her share of medical visits. Sorry Marcy. I love People of Walmart...I could add an alternate site onto yours...People in the VA Emergency Room...gives a whole new flare to things.
