Sunday, August 29, 2010

That's How I Roll...

Little Charlie-Bug has been rolling from her back to her tummy for a couple of days now. And I was all kinds of pleased with myself because I captured it on the camera on my phone, uploaded it onto my computer, and figured out how to upload it onto blogger. It turns out I should not have gotten so cocky because now I can't get it to upload. It says it's uploading but then it just keeps taking forever and eventually I give up...but maybe it's for the best because I have shown the video to everyone I've seen in the past few days, so chances are if you're reading this you've been forced to sit through it at least once already!

Since she's figured out that she can roll, hanging out on her back is just no longer cool. Tummy is the way to go for playtime, naps and sleeping at night!

I have a new obsession with going up to check and make sure she's lying with her head in a position that allows her to breathe! I'm a little bit crazy.

"Um, it's kind of hard to nap with you taking extreme close-up pictures of me."

Playing with her beloved Bug and drooling a bit from all the excitement.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Charlotte! Looks like she is having fun! Also, love the update with all the likes and dislikes on the blog. Tim and I were cracking up about Brian's!
