Friday, September 17, 2010

Being a Twin

I have no idea what it's like to have a twin. If I had to guess, I would think it would be pretty awesome. But, at this point, there is usually at least once every day when I feel like I should apologize to Charlotte and Jensen for the fact that they are twins. They have to share toys, books, and most importantly, my time. It is hard to completely focus on two people at once, so often I feel like I am engaging one of them and the other is left to fend for him- or herself. (That might be a bit dramatic. It's not like I am leaving one of them home alone while I take the other out for ice cream or something like that.)

But recently Charlotte and Jensen have started to notice each other, and even interact with each other! It's almost like, if you look closely enough, you can see the very beginnings of a friendship developing. I am in awe of the feeling that comes with watching two little people whom you love so very much develop a relationship with one another. I think about my brother and the relationship that we have and I pray that Charlotte and Jensen will be as close as Todd and I are...but I'm guessing that, as twins, they'll be even closer.

Here is a little story-with-pictures of one of their first interactions with each other (this was a few weeks ago). I just happened to think they were in cute little outfits, so I decided to take some pics with the ever-handy iPhone camera. As I was taking pictures, they started their little interaction. I was laughing so hard and ended up taking almost 100 pictures (not kidding).

Started out like an ordinary picture...babies lying side-by-side on their blanket so Mom could take pictures.

Then Jensen decided that he might like to roll over. But he soon discovered that Charlotte was in his way. No problem, she can be used for leverage!

Then, all of a sudden, it was like he noticed that she was a little person. He was feeling her face and "talking" to her. 

She wasn't sure at first, but then decided he was okay. She smiled at him for the longest time!

Then, the conversation came to an end and Jensen continued his roll. Charlotte got a pair of chubby feet right in her eyes! I was so shocked when she didn't seem to mind at all.

Her patience was soon rewarded with a tasty treat!

With Charlotte's help, Jensen finally made it all the way over. She looks like she doesn't quite know what just happened.

But I guess she decided that playing with her brother is pretty fun...feet in her face and all!


  1. This is too cute! They will be the best of friends and it will be neat to watch them become little buddies and get into lots of trouble! ;) I love your blog- your stories always make me smile! See you Sunday!

  2. Another great blog entry Marcy.....I think i loved the feet in the eyes best of all.
