Friday, September 24, 2010

Five Months!

What a big day we had yesterday! Jensen and Charlotte turned five months old, and their mom (aka me) turned the big 3-0! Birthdays are a bit different when you're a mom. There are still bottles to be washed, babies who refuse to nap, dirty diapers to change, and mounds of laundry to do. But you know what? I wouldn't change a single thing about it. People kept asking me if I was freaking out about turning 30...and I was surprised to realize that I wasn't. At all. And I think it's because I am incredibly blessed to be where I am in life.

(And I did get to have some "me time" on my birthday--I actually did a transport for the rescue group and got to bust a sweet boy out of the animal shelter! And then I had dinner with the fam at Tillman's. Yummy!)

On to Charlotte and Jensen...they had another wonderful month! Here is a little bit about what they have been up to...

They have really started to enjoy playing with their toys. Charlotte continues to love her musical bug the best:

And they both enjoy playing in their exersaucer:

Another new favorite is their swing!

Jensen LOVES the swing. It is his spot to go when he wants to just chill.

Another new activity this month has been interacting with one another. They both enjoy watching one another, but Jensen especially seems to be enamored with his sister. He just loves's so sweet!

They also had their first "fight" about a week ago. They were lying together in their play yard. Jensen was holding one of their two "crinkle books" (which have become prized possessions). Charlotte reached over and grabbed it from him. He looked at her with a confused expression and grabbed it back. She shrieked and began to cry. I quickly grabbed the other crinkle book and gave it to Charlotte, and both were happy:

I am bracing myself for lots more of these fights to come! I wonder if it's possible to have two of every toy?? But for the most part, all of their interactions are positive and they just really like to watch each other.

OK, see what I mean? He LOVES her!

Of course, we often have the "one-rolled-over-onto-the-other" problem:

Charlotte Anne at Five Months:
(I don't know her weight because we haven't been to the doctor for awhile...if you could all just pause for a second and knock on wood, that would be awesome!)

Charlotte--our pretty little Peanut. Her dad's little mini-me. I don't know when she became such a happy, content, pleasant little baby, but somewhere along the way, she did. I never thought I would describe Charlotte as "an easy baby", but at this point she is. She has a huge personality and makes the best facial expressions:

Charlotte is very active and always on the move, but at the same time, she is a great cuddler. She loves to be rocked before naps and bedtime. I have recently discovered that Charlotte is a great shopping companion! She is content in her stroller for a long time, and she particularly enjoyed her recent trip to Baby Gap, where she "talked" to all of the pretty clothes. She still likes to let you know if she isn't happy--for example, at night and at nap time she will periodically change positions in her crib. When she does, she squawks a bit as if to let you know, "Hey! I am not as comfortable as I could possibly be, so I am changing positions now!"

Charlotte has a very special relationship with her Grandma. Grandma calls Charlotte her sunshine and says that Charlotte can always cheer her up, no matter what! They also love to read books together:

Jensen Todd at Five Months:
(Again, no weight. Knock on wood.)

Jensen--our roly-poly little boy. Right now, he looks like a mix between me, my dad and my brother. Definitely a little Morlock! I call him my roly-poly baby because he is constantly on his back, feet in his hands. This often results in him rolling to one side, then rolling all the way over, then getting mad because he hates being on his tummy and doesn't know how to roll back over yet. I spend a lot of time flipping him back to his back only to watch him immediately roll to his tummy again. Jensen is very observant, and like I previously mentioned, loves to watch his sister. He continues to be a happy boy, and he loves to flirt with anyone who will engage him. I am still completely, head-over-heels in love with his sweet smile, big laugh, and chubby little feet!

Jensen is so sweet...but he is not a cuddler. He would prefer to be put down in his bed when he's sleepy (my mom says my brother was the exact same way, and she used to have to sneak in his room and pick him up when he was sleeping to rock him and get cuddle time!). But when he's not feeling well, he wants to snuggle with Mommy during naps, and I take full advantage.

I also crack up at the way Jensen sleeps in his crib...don't you wish you were this relaxed right now??

Here are a few more pics of my lil' chunk:

And here are some pictures of Charlotte and Jensen together:

As you can see, my etsy obsession continues and I ordered Charlotte and Jensen personalized onesies. They each have half of a wiener dog, much like the old-school 'Best Friends Forever' necklaces!

This past month (and turning 30) have been awesome. My love for Charlotte and Jensen has continued to grow stronger every day. I definitely don't know all there is to know about being a parent, but here are some things that I have learned over the past five months:

Being a mom is exhausting (in a good way): I go to bed every night feeling absolutely wiped out. But, more than ever before, I go to bed feeling like I have spent my day really doing something important. Also, being a mom is kind of an ego boost: I love how much Charlotte and Jensen need me. I love that they smile at me, and I love that I know them better than anyone else does. I love that it's my shoulder that Jensen buries his head in after he's given someone his flirty smile. I love that Charlotte and Jensen think that my terrible singing voice + a rousing rendition of "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" = pretty much the most enthralling musical performance ever.

I think that, above everything else, I've learned that being a parent is humbling. Usually, once you've figured something out, that's it--you know it. It doesn't constantly change on you. But babies change on you. Throughout the past five months, there have been times when I've thought, "Okay, I've got this whole having-twin-infants thing figured out. There's not really all that much to it. I am totally on top of things and pretty much the most awesome mom ever!" That feeling usually lasts anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours before either Charlotte or Jensen throws me for a complete loop and I am back at square one trying to figure out what on Earth I'm doing. And feeling like the most lost, confused, inexperienced mom ever. But then that feeling only lasts for a short while, and I'm back to where I usually am: somewhere in the middle, with the realization that I am doing the best that I can. And that's definitely good enough.

Happy Five Months, sweet babies! You are loved beyond measure!

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