Monday, September 13, 2010

Things We Learned This Weekend

I learned that a "Wine Crawl" is best enjoyed when it is not a billion degrees outside. Also, it helps if there is actually wine involved.

Jensen learned one of life's important lessons: a golden retriever makes the best pillow you'll ever find:

Brian learned that he can wait until I'm gone, then dress Jensen in UT gear for college football Saturday:

I learned that Charlotte is a better shopping companion than Jensen. (I also learned that I am not above being rude right back to crabby old ladies who complain that my stroller is in their way.)

Story about our shopping excursion: We went to Decorator's Warehouse and had lunch at the Rose Garden Tea Room. As you may know, that place is a haven for old ladies. I could not go two feet without getting stopped and told how cute they were. Most people said something along the lines of "Twins? You must have your hands full!" or "How sweet!" or something like that. But one woman came up to me, looked in the stroller, looked at me, and said, "You are so blessed. So blessed." For some reason, it really touched me...I nearly cried right there amongst the fake Christmas trees! Anyways, back to the lessons...

Brian learned that it's best to make two trips down the stairs rather than to toss a wet diaper from the second floor to the first floor. The diaper may explode on impact and make quite a mess.

I learned (and this is a big one!) that I am capable of taking Charlotte and Jensen out somewhere by myself! 

On Saturday, I took the kiddos on our first outing involving just the three of us. Brian had to go up to his office (which flooded last week) and check on some things. I needed to return some books to the library and get some more books to read to Charlotte and Jensen. So I decided it would be a perfect opportunity for me to take them out someplace by myself. You may be thinking that a library does not sound like the perfect place to try to deal with two babies by yourself...but since I used to work there, I knew that if I had any kind of crisis, my friends at the library would help me out rather than point and laugh (okay, they might laugh...but they would probably wait until after I left!). But I'm pleased to say that we did very meltdowns, mishaps, diaper blowouts, etc. And of course, the first thing I did when I got home was text my friend Whitney and tell her about our outing! Only a fellow mom of twins can share the excitement of a successful first solo errand. Here are Charlotte and Jensen in the work room at the library. See that file cabinet in the top right corner? It used to be mine!

We learned that dressing your kids up to support your team does not necessarily lead to a victory.

 We also learned that Bailey is our most photogenic child. :)


  1. Yeah for the 1st outing! Mine was just to Sonic and I think they were like 10 months.....JK. I don't remember but it took me a long time to get the courage up to go out alone. It gets easier.

  2. Good job on taking them out alone! Hey- it's hard to take one out much less 2!! I liked this post- it made me laugh! Also, you may already know this but I read on someone else's blog that the nap nanny's were recalled. Not sure why, but just wanted to let you know!

  3. Well my favorite part of this post was the diaper thrown from the second floor....what in the world would possess a man to do that. He must have had some sort of story....just what was it?

  4. Lisa--thanks, yes, I did see that. We decided to keep ours because the babies don't nap in them. I only use them to feed them in when I have to feed them by myself...they're pretty handy. But I never leave the babies unattended in them!

    And Dana--no story, he just didn't feel like making two trips down the stairs so he thought he'd toss the diaper down so he'd have one less thing to carry. I think he will make two trips from now on!
