Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beaver Fever

Jensen's hair seems to have taken on a life of its own. He was born with great hair:

Check out my 'do, Uncle Dot!

Then came the unfortunate male-pattern hair loss. You remember his "Kevin from The Office" look, right?

The silly outfits I dressed him in didn't help his cause, I suppose.

Then, his hair began to grow...and grow and grow and grow! It got wild. It got fluffy. Everyone began to comment on his hair (and ask to touch it). Family, friends, our pediatrician, random restaurant managers...nobody can resist his fluffy mop.

At seven months old. It looks like I spiked it up...I didn't. It just does this on its own.

Next is the phase we are currently in: some of his hair still sticks straight up, but some is long enough so that it lays flat:

Yesterday, however, Jensen must have slept on his hair funny or something, because when he woke up, it was all laying down and pushed forward against his head. I kind of thought he looked like a Beatle. My mom thought soon as she saw him she proclaimed that he looked "so cute...just like Justin Beaver!"

Now, I was going to make fun of her for calling Justin Bieber "Justin Beaver", but then I decided it might be more appropriate to make fun of myself for knowing that his real name is Justin Bieber. And also for knowing how to spell it. And for agreeing that Jensen kind of did look like Justin Bieber.

But see for yourself...



I'm going to go ahead and make a prediction...future teen idol!

Already rocking out with the hair brush!

And in case you're wondering, yes, he is naked. In the living room. Again. What can I say, the boy already knows how to party like a rock star!

1 comment:

  1. HA always make me laugh Marcy. Even i know about Justin Bieber (sad huh) I think I like Justin Beaver even better.
