Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's Been Going On... not a lot. It's been a pretty low-key week around here with Brian and Jensen feeling pretty run-down with these colds that just will not seem to go away and Miss Charlotte dealing with getting a verrrrry slow-moving tooth. Here's how Charlotte and Jensen have been passing the time:

Playing with our new toys...

"Let me help you with that, Sis!"

doing a little light reading...

When Charlotte complains about being a twin, I like to remind her that at least she's not a Gosselin.

...checking out the damage from our holiday over-indulging...

"Um, Mom? Are you sure this scale is right?"

...spending a lot of time in our pajamas...

Mostly because I think they look cute in their footie pajamas. But also because wearing pajamas all day = less laundry for mom.

...and even spending some time wearing not much at all!

I've said it before and I'll say it again...those legs are greatness.

And so are those little toes.

And how've I been spending my time? Well, I have perfected the art of snot-sucking. I can simultaneously hold Jensen down, pin his arms back, hold his head still, and suck snot...all while doing my best to ignore his screams of protest and convince myself that I'm not causing him any permanent psychological harm. Seriously, why do babies hate the snot-sucker so much? I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt, right? Or am I just telling myself that to make myself feel better?

I have also been nominated for and accepted a new position within the rescue group. You are looking at (er...reading the blog of) the newest member of the board of I understand it, responsible for overseeing the group's financial activity and administrative issues. So it's a less hands-on way to volunteer (i.e., not as fun as fostering cute dogs!) but it's what I am able to do at this point, so I am happy to do it. We have our first meeting in a few weeks, and I am looking forward to volunteering again...I've missed it.

In the meantime, the weathermen are predicting an "Arctic Blast" (sooo dramatic!) for our I'm predicting another week of taking it easy, staying indoors, and chillin' in our jammies!


  1. Ben has those jammies that Jensen has on! I hear ya about the being sick thing- we had to take Ben in this weekend and he has a double ear infection. He was up crying ALL night Friday night- poor baby! Actually poor mommy- I was wiped out! Sick babies are no bueno!

  2. Haha, every time I read your blog I see Ben wearing something that Jensen has...(including the sweater Ben is wearing in your header pic). I think we both do a lot of Target shopping! Poor Ben...what is going on with all these babies starting to get ear infections?

  3. Hi Marcy,
    I laughed out loud while reading about the snot-sucking. My sister has become very experienced with the nose bulb and I remember using them when my children were little. I can say it didn't seem to damage them although it sounds like their brains should be coming out. Good to see you had a great beginning to 2011 and I wish for you and the family a special year ahead. Come see us...Geneva

  4. laughed outloud at the "at least she's not a Gosselin"
    Your next assignment: try sucking your own snot, just once, to see what the babies are going through. Dare ya.
