Monday, January 17, 2011

This & That

There wasn't really a cohesive theme to our illness, no major milestones, and I managed to not inflict any bodily harm to either of my babies. Clearly, no theme is a good theme for us! Here are a few random tidbits from our weekend:

1) We got a new mattress! We hated our old mattress pretty much from the first night we slept on it five years ago. When the babies were first born and our bed was a disaster area of boppies, blankets, and spit-up, we told ourselves that as soon as the babies began sleeping through the night, we would reward ourselves with a new mattress. What no one tells you, however, is that babies actually NEVER sleep through the night. Sure, they stop having to be fed at night, but sleep all night long? No. I believe this is an urban legend. Anyways, we figured now was as good a time as any to bite the bullet and get the mattress we've been wanting for five years....a Tempur-pedic. It is awesome. And if Rick (aka The Most Talkative Mattress Salesman in the World) is to be believed, this new mattress will not only help me lose weight, but I'm also going to live to be about 105. So I have that to look forward to.

2) We had a fun night out (or in) at the Wren's house on Saturday. Cristi, my social director, planned yet another exciting evening, this one consisting of Game Night with a few other couples. We had a great time, yet the game-playing (Taboo and Scattergories) served to remind me yet again how dumb I have become since having Charlotte and Jensen. I'm not kidding, I used to be kind of smart and good at games...but these days I swear my brain does not function correctly. It is the darndest thing.

3) Charlotte and Jensen got to visit both sets of grandparents yesterday (Sunday). First we went to Brian's parents house where we learned something quite humorous about Charlotte. It seems you can put her down on the floor amidst three huge golden retrievers who take turns licking her and smacking her in the face with their tails and she is just delighted. However, put her down on the floor with the most harmless dog in the world (the Shelton's pug Einstein) and she loses it. Yep, apparently huge, rowdy golden retrievers = fun, and a small (albeit chubby) half-asleep pug = terrifying. If you've ever seen Einstein, you will realize how funny it is that anyone would find him the slightest bit frightening.

So, we saved Charlotte from the horror of the friendly pug and took the babies next door to my parent's house where we ate Sunday dinner. I know I've mentioned the crazy smorgasbord dinners we have over there, but I think yesterday was a new high (low?). Here's the menu:

Spicy Sausage sandwiches with peppers, onions, mushrooms and mozzarella cheese
Salmon (the most delicious salmon ever!)
Mashed potatoes
French onion soup
Garlic bread
Fried jalapeno poppers with cream cheese, chicken and sausage

Seriously. And I wonder why I'm having trouble losing weight. Anyways, I wanted to share a pic of the high chairs that we got my mom and dad to keep at their house. A girl from my multiples group had the idea and I thought it was pretty genius!

Yep, a restaurant high chair! Cheap, hardly takes up any space at all, easy to clean, and the babies think they are too cool sitting up at the table with the rest of us!

Can you see the tiny hands at the bottom of this picture? He pulls up on everything these days.

So that was our weekend. And as I'm sitting here on the couch while the babies nap, something very exciting is happening...the SUN IS COMING OUT! For the first time in what seems like an eternity! I can see it through my window! We might have to dust off BOB and get some fresh air this afternoon. The babies can go for a walk in their pajamas, right? :)


  1. i just wanted to tell you that your blog always makes me smile! such cuties!

  2. That is quite the assortment of food!! Sounds yummy though! That is funny about little Einstein- who would be afraid of him?? Ha!

  3. You actually fell for that line of crap Rick fed have become very gullible due to motherhood.
    So how come there is no way for me to subscribe to this blog? Shouldn't there be..or did you not pay enough for the blog listing?

  4. Oh wait..I see the "subscribe" button right now..ooops.
