Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eviction Notice!

That's right, Charlotte and Jensen have been served with an official eviction notice...at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 22nd, they will be kicked out of my uterus and welcomed to the real world! This is good news because it's nine days from now. Who'd have thought three weeks ago that we would make it that far? This is bad news because...it's nine days from now! While I will be thrilled if we can actually make it to the scheduled date (which will make me 37 weeks exactly), I have to be honest here: I am freaking miserable. Name a body part, and mine hurts. I was so focused on making it as long as I could that I didn't even think about how uncomfortable the last few weeks of a twin pregnancy (probably any pregnancy, for that matter) can be. I am officially the size of a bus. I caught Brian looking at my stomach the other day and he said that for the first time, I actually look like I am pregnant with twins rather than one baby. I think these kiddos are getting big!

Here are some highlights from today's appointment:

*Wait almost an hour for sonogram because they were having computer issues...I get nervous before every sonogram so that was an extra hour of waiting nervously.

*Learn that weight and blood pressure were pretty much the same as last Friday's appointment.

*Schedule c-section and learn that we have to be at the hospital at 5:00 a.m. the day of. Decide it doesn't matter because I probably won't sleep at all the night before anyways.

*Hear (for the 4th time) that Jensen has tons of hair. Begin to wonder exactly how much hair we're talking about here. Is this kid part sasquatch or something??

Anyways, today marks my three week bed rest anniversary. I am very excited that there's an end in sight!


  1. Yea!!! They must be waiting until I am in town to make their arrival. So glad I will be able to see them so early!!! Good luck on the next 9 days!!

  2. I am so excited for you. You have done so well.

  3. So exciting! Hang in there! Maybe Jensen is going to grow up to be a long haired hippie... I hope the next 8 days go well for you. Can't wait to meet these babies!

  4. Since I didn't know (or had forgotten their names)...I had to ask Geneva who was getting evicted from where after reading the first line. DUH....very excited..and can't wait for their first visit to the library.

  5. You aren't the size of a bus...You look like a healthy mom to be! Can't wait to Earth Day!

  6. How exciting to know that all your hard work is almost over and you'll be holding them oh so soon! Yay! I can't wait to see some pics!
