Friday, April 16, 2010

Highlights From Today's Appointment

*Blood pressure and weight continued to increase but just a bit...nothing to be alarmed about.

*I am still not dilated at all.

*Both babies scored perfectly on their biophysical profiles!

*The babies got growth scans today. Charlotte is estimated to weigh in at a respectable 5 pounds, 14 ounces. Jensen is estimated to weight in at...wait for it...7 pounds 5 ounces! However, when my doctor saw this, he said there is no way Jensen is that big and he's probably just over 6 pounds. We will have to wait until Thursday to see!

*Today's ultrasound tech was creative with her phrasing...instead of the usual, "Baby B has a ton of hair!" that we usually hear at appointments, she said, "Oh my goodness, you might want to invest in some hair gel for babies!"

 So, that's all the news for today. I can't believe we have made it to 36 weeks (and one day!) and we only have one more appointment left on Tuesday and six days until we meet our babies on Thursday!


  1. Maybe Jebnsen's hair is causing him to weigh more!

  2. This is so exciting! Yikes- babies are big!! I had a sono of Ben the day before he was born and they were 2 lbs off (they said he weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and he weighed 8 lbs 11 oz)!!

  3. I am so excited for you! I can't believe Jensen and his hair are so big! He's going to have to have a really dynamic personality to match.

  4. Marcy and Bryan congratulations for being great parents even before the birth. Enjoy those little ones and we will all be looking forward to meeting them...Geneva
