Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Shout-Out to My Bed Rest Buddy

Bed rest sucks...but I am never lonely. I have this sweet face beside me all day long:

Confession: Yes, she is sleeping on a library book (and yes, Dana, it's an ILL. She didn't drool on it or anything though!).

Bailey can be a little pain in the butt sometimes (like when I finally manage to get semi-comfortable and she decides she needs me to get up and let her outside to go potty) but she is the best company that I could ask for and I don't know what I'd do without her. Fortunately she's a lazy girl and lounging in bed all day suits her just fine, so I don't think she minds keeping me company all day.

On another note, today = 35 weeks! Another goal met, and we are so thankful!


  1. Keep up the good work Marcy! You can do it!! And Bailey is already being such a good big sister:)

  2. Omgosh...NOT an ILL. I'm shocked and horrified
