Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Banana Pancakes

As most of you know, I've been making Charlotte and Jensen's food since they began to eat solids. I'd say I'm a pretty average cook...I can pretty much always follow a recipe without messing things up too terribly, but I've had my moments of kitchen disaster (like the time I had to get ten stitches in my fingers after an unfortunate incident involving frozen chicken). I like to scour the Internet for recipes to try out on Charlotte and Jensen, and most of the ones I've made up to this point have been more or less "just okay." (This is probably due in large part to the fact that I substitute lots of ingredients to try to make most of the recipes more healthy.)

Anyways, I found a really cute recipe that I thought I would share. It's pretty much the easiest thing ever, and Charlotte and Jensen love, love, love it! (And I have busted their Dad sneaking his fair share of bites as well!)

Banana Pancakes*

1. Make (or buy) your favorite pancake batter.
2. Slice a banana into about 1/4" slices.
3. Dip banana slices into pancake batter.
4. Cook them on the griddle like you'd cook regular pancakes.

Then, you can top them with syrup, honey, or whatever! I topped Charlotte and Jensen's with some blackberry puree.

It's a fun little breakfast that toddlers/older kids can "help" with. I made way too many the first time I made them, and they only kept for a couple of days in the fridge, so next time I will make less!

Hope someone finds this helpful! I thought it was a really cute recipe.

*I have seen several versions of this recipe floating around, but I used www.weelicious.com and www.wholesomebabyfood.com



  1. OMG. Two of Cailyn's favorite things all in a delicious breakfast treat?? You are my savior Marcy Shelton. A true savior. "Nina patakes" for us! :)

  2. very cute Marcy, but I shall pass on them. You are the best mom ever. No telling what I could have been with a mother like you..lol
