Monday, July 18, 2011

Apparently I've Been Doing This All Wrong...

There's a lot of "stuff" that comes along with having a baby...some of it is fairly self-explanatory, and some if it takes more effort to figure out (Moby Wrap, I'm talking to you!). I always thought that baby gates fit into the "self-explanatory" category: You put them up and keep the baby away from places he or she is not supposed to be. You know, keep those kiddos in your line of vision and away from anything dangerous (i.e., stairs). Even keep them out of the kitchen while you're cooking heating up leftovers. But whilst perusing the Internet the other day, I came across a few ads that brought to my attention the fact that I could be using baby gates in a way cooler fashion:

To get the heck away from my children!
"Kids! You stay in that cage, er, enclosure, while I catch up on my Us Weekly!"

That mom needs to let me in on her secret, because I'm telling you right now that there is absolutely no way that my duo would sit and play quietly in that little fenced area. No. Way. In fact they would probably knock it down before you could say "Who Wore It Best?"

Some families use baby gates to keep their dog out of certain rooms. Or to keep baby and dog separate. But this mom has decided to cage her kiddo while her dog gets free reign of the house. I like your style, lady. I like your style.
Looks like someone's getting out early for good behavior!

This next one is my fave. This woman gives stay-at-home moms a bad name (or makes everyone who works outside the home really jealous). She really wants to be left her kid and her dog:

I mean, at least they're in her line of vision, right?!?


  1. Ha Ha- love this!!! I need to get me a cage for my children too! Wonder if they have them for 4 year olds!

  2. This is hilarious! If I had a gate it would cause even more headache! I would hear "momma" one thousand times and then a loud crash from my kid climbing over and falling on the floor!

  3. Love it! The whole gate thing isn't working too well for us. They whine and we end up letting them out.

  4. Isn't this Kid Crate Training....same thing.
