Sunday, July 17, 2011

This Week By the Numbers

Number of gym childcare center meltdowns: 1 (Charlie!)
Number of times I resolved to take Charlotte back to the gym childcare center and try again the very next morning: Probably about 5,002
Charlotte's temperature when she awoke that very next morning: 101.2 (Her dad says she must realllly be trying to avoid going back to the gym!)
Number of sick kiddos: 1 (Charlie!)
Trips to the doctor's office: 2
Hours spent at doctor's office: 3.5
Diagnoses made by doctor: 0. (Although Charlie's daddy has diagnosed her with West Nile Virus.)
Number of employees at doctor's office who probably think I'm slightly insane: I don't know. I guess I'd have to figure out the number of people who work there.
Number of people at doctor's office and gym childcare center combined who probably think I'm slightly insane: Let's not even go there.
Glasses of wine consumed: Er, see above.
Funerals attended: 2 (Brian's Great-Uncle Don and baby Siena)
Ages of people whose funerals we attended: 77 years old and 7 1/2 months old
Number of anniversaries I forgot: 1 (Sorry, Mom and Dad. Happy 42nd!)

But...the silver lining...number of days until I'm at the lake with some of my favorite people: 5. Are we there yet?!?


  1. Ahhh! Can't wait to see you guys! :)

  2. Brilliant writing Marcy..or Mary.

  3. Addyson had a 102 fever on Saturday and it lasted 24 hours. It never went below 100 and I was giving her meds every 3 hours. I took her in and they think it was just a summer virus. Hope Charile bug is better!
