Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's Been a Day

It has been quite a day around here. I'm going to go ahead and count last night as part of our day because that's when the fun began. Charlotte was in the tub and appeared to be deep in concentration...not a good thing, because apparently the only thing that requires deep concentration in the bathtub is the production of a few turds. Thanks for making bathtime a bit more lively, Charlie-Bug!

I awoke this morning to a far more serious issue, which was the passing away of one of the 7 1/2-month-old twins of a mom in my multiples group (which you can read about in my last post). I read the email that broke the sad news shortly before leaving for the gym...not an unusual event, but today was the first day I was going to leave Charlotte and Jensen in the childcare center rather than having my mom come watch them. It's something I've been wanting to do for awhile...they're starting preschool in a little over a month, after all. Anyways, I had been on the verge of tears since reading the email, but I'd been pushing them down so that I could focus on getting C & J to the gym and into the childcare center. Cristi was nice enough to meet me there and help me get them settled...they strolled right into the toddler area and began to play. Cristi and I escaped unnoticed and made our way to spin class.

The staff at the childcare center had previously informed me of their policy of trying to calm down a crying child for 10-15 minutes before coming to find a parent. As spin class began, I kept close watch on the door...I was certain that I was going to see a childcare center employee at any second. Sure enough, about halfway through class, she arrived...holding a dry-erase board with my name on it (okay, it said, "Mary Shelton" but I got the picture). I left class and made my way to the childcare center to find an inconsolable Charlotte. I don't know whether it was the stress of leaving my babies somewhere for the first time, or the fact that I felt awful seeing Charlotte so upset, or the fact that I had been on the verge of tears all morning (or all three combined) but before long Charlotte and I were crying together at the childcare center in the gym. Once she calmed down a bit, I got her and Jensen (who had been obliviously pushing a toy around with another little boy; thank God for one calm child!) to the car. At this point I realized my diaper bag was still inside the gym...but no way was I going back in there to get it!

We finally made it home and fortunately Cristi was able to pick up my diaper bag for me and bring it by the house (and also calm me down a bit). I now feel like a total idiot for crying at the gym...the people who work there probably think I'm completely crazy. I really do think I am going to try again tomorrow...maybe leave them for a shorter amount of time? I don't know...I guess we'll see. Anyways, our day was topped off with terrible naps for both kiddos and a heavy, heavy heart for me as I continue to think about baby Siena. But I know that tomorrow is a new day, and for that I am very thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, the gym staff probably had a lively conversation about you when you left....you know they did. sorry about all that Mary...or Marcy or Marcie.
