Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I feel like I'm always saying how dramatic my little Charlie-Bug can be...yet it's hard to explain the type of drama she can bring; I just never seem to have the perfect example. But today, she gave me a pretty good one.

Charlotte hates getting her hands and faced wiped off...even a simple wipedown after a meal causes major shrieking. So, in addition to the usual reasons you hate when your kids are sick, I always really really hate when Charlotte has a cold...wiping her nose makes her simply furious. So today we were playing outside when I noticed we had a snot situation. Using the nearest wiping device (aka my hand; I know, ewww!) I wiped Charlie's little nose. As usual, the angry shrieks followed. But I guess I'm somewhat immune to just how loud her screams are, because I was surprised a few seconds later when my very concerned next-door neighbor came hurrying out his door.

Concerned Neighbor: "Is she okay? I heard screaming!"
Me: "Yes, she's okay. I just wiped her nose."
Concerned Neighbor (looking confused): "Oh...I thought someone was hurt!"
Me (embarrassment setting in): "Um, no...she just really doesn't like to get her nose wiped."
Concerned Neighbor (still looking confused): "Oh...okay."

In hindsight I should probably have said she fell down or something, because I don't know whether he actually believed that those screams were the result of me wiping her nose. I may or may not be getting a visit from CPS tomorrow.

At any rate, that's my little Bug. Disturbing the peace like it's her job. Anyways, here she is playing peekaboo in happier times:

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