Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Week of Thanks

Thanksgiving! A time for me to google things like, "how to doctor store-bought macaroni and cheese". A time for me to draw Burt Reynolds' face in desserts using chocolate shavings:

(Don't ask.)

A time for big family celebrations...

Thanksgiving, Shelton style.

...and a time for small family celebrations (picture my immediate family going out to dinner. It's how we do Thanksgiving and I love it. Also, picture Jensen chugging ranch dressing at The Keg, because apparently that's Thanksgiving, Jensen-style.).

It's a time for my mom to order us all to show up at her house for a family Christmas card picture, and a time to get at least one picture of all of us looking goofy:

But this year was also a time to give thanks for something new:

Some shiny new bling!

Okay, I'm not really thankful for this ring itself but I am quite thankful for what it represents...the fact that I am getting a new sister! (Or, as some would say, my brother is getting a wife.) Todd proposed to Tiffany on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and she of course said "Yes!". I am very honored that I got to help him with all the little steps along the way, from choosing the diamond to planning the perfect proposal. After the proposal, we all met at The Keg for a few celebratory drinks. Most of us knew that the proposal had taken place, but we decided to surprise Tiff's BFF Hilari:

I think she was surprised. And happy. As for Todd and Tiff, they were pretty much on cloud nine the entire night. Brian even commented that Tiff was "glowing" (and for a guy to notice that, you must be pretty darn radiant!).

I am so excited for both of them, although it's hard to believe that my little brother will soon be someone's husband. Shouldn't he still be playing with Micro Machines and Nerf guns and using all my hair conditioner to make "secret potions"? Shouldn't he still think girls have cooties instead of wanting to marry one? I guess he's officially all grown up...and I'm thankful not only for the person he's become, but also for the person with whom he's chosen to share his life. Congrats, Uncle Dot and Aunt Biff! We love you!

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