Sunday, November 6, 2011

When Grandma & Grandpa Are Away...

Jasmine and Bear come to stay!

My parents spent last week visiting NYC, which means our household grew by two very large, furry members. Jensen and Charlotte absolutely love having Jazzy and Bear in our house, and I kind of like it too: There's really nothing like seeing a dog and a baby (er, toddler) being sweet to each other. 

The kiddos and doggies had lots of fun together. Charlotte and Jensen enjoyed emptying the contents of Mommy's swimsuit drawer onto Mr. Bear, who was a handsome and willing model:

One morning while playing outside, Jensen kept running into the street...thus earning himself a trip inside to time-out. I stuck him in the house, completely forgetting that Jazzy and Bear were inside. Usually when I put J in time-out inside, he will stand by the window and whine at Charlotte and me while we continue to play outside. This time, I noticed that Jensen was NOT standing by the I looked inside to find this:

Jensen lying on top of Mr. Bear. Have I ever mentioned how very much I love this dog??
And it's also safe to say that the dogs most definitely did not go hungry while staying at our house...

The night my parents returned home, Brian took Jazzy and Bear to their house after the kids were already in bed. The next morning Charlotte and Jensen awoke to find no dogs...and it was very sad! They looked all around the house and the backyard and couldn't find them anywhere. My mom actually said the dogs seemed sad that day, too...I think all four of them were missing each other! It was definitely a ton of work having them here...almost like adding two kids to the family. But seeing the interaction and bonding that went on in just a few days made me even more convinced that every kiddo should grow up with a dog to love...and we will definitely add one to our family when the time is right.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that YOU have an entire drawer full of swimsuits did not pass me by...other then that I loved the pics. Yep, someday you will need a new family member.
