Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tricks & Treats

Another Halloween gone! Much has changed since last year when I could dress Charlotte and Jensen up however I pleased and they couldn't really do much about it (you know, since they couldn't really move too quickly in those days). Nowadays, getting them dressed is pretty much a wrestling match and you'd better believe there were tears (ahem, Charlotte) when getting suited up to go trick-or-treating.

I had a bit of costume drama this year...first I decided on Charlotte being a dalmatian and Jensen being a fireman. Then I found out that Whitney's twins Tate and Savannah were going to be the same thing! No big deal since they live a few hundred miles apart, but I figured Charlotte and Jensen could hold off on those costumes until next year and maybe wear Tate and Savannah's hand-me-downs! So I got another idea, found a couple adorable costumes on etsy, placed my order and waited. Then, while we were in Vegas, I got an email saying the shop owner wouldn't be able to make the costumes in time for Halloween. Outstanding. So I decided on another idea, which also ended up not working out (I'm not revealing these other ideas because I figure they'll make an appearance at some point). Soooo...back to the fireman and dalmatian, which I think turned out pretty cute:

We could only get one pic with his hat on!

Once they were dressed, the kids actually had a really good time. Charlotte could tell she looked cute and you could tell she was quite pleased with herself. The fun has continued today as Charlotte tried on Jensen's Fire Chief jacket this morning and refused to take it off...our fellow shoppers at Costco enjoyed seeing little Charlie dressed up as a fireman while shopping with Mommy!

And because I'm feeling nostalgic these days, here's a pic from last year...Princess Leia and Yoda. Still cracks me up!


  1. Love the pics! They are super adorable!! Turned out really cute, but how could it not with the two of them!
