Sunday, January 22, 2012

18 Months! (And, er, 19 and 20 and 21 Months, too!)

Well, apparently the monthly posts have gone the way of swaddles, formula and bottles. So instead of the usual monthly rundown, I'm going to do a "What I Love Right Now About Charlotte" and "What I Love Right Now About Jensen". (I totally stole this from Lisa!)

Charlotte Anne at 18, 19, 20 & 21 Months:
Weight and Height: Can't remember stats from our 18-month appointment but my little Bug has shot up to the 90th percentile for height. I knew she was getting tall. She is still hanging out around the 25th percentile for weight.

What I'm Loving Right Now About Charlotte Anne:

The talking! Our pediatrician said to expect what she calls a "language explosion" from the kids, and Charlotte has certainly exploded. She talks all the time, repeating things we say and also saying many things unprompted. One of her favorite things to say is "Jensen Todd!" which actually comes out sounding more like "Ensy Todd" but is ridiculously cute. She likes to tell me when things are Jensen's (i.e., "Jensen's shirt!", "Jensen's diaper!" etc.). The other day she was just walking around saying, "Jensen Todd! Jensen Todd!" so I said, "Can you say your name?" She replied, "Youurrrr naaaaame!" Little smarty-pants! 

The singing! Along with the talking has come a love of songs. She sings the ABCs (her own special version of course), Happy Birthday, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Old MacDonald Had a Farm. She sings all.the.time. In fact, last night at about 3:00 a.m. she decided she might as well wake up and put on a little concert for Mommy and Daddy. I guess if anything's going to wake me up at 3:00 a.m., it might as well be that sweet little voice!

The helping. Charlotte has turned into quite the little Mommy's Helper. She really tries her best to help me around the house with things like laundry...she takes her duties very seriously and it's quite cute to watch her intently try to fold shirts. She is also becoming quite motherly and will rock her baby dolls. 

What Makes Charlotte Anne a Challenge These Days: 

The ATTITUDE! She's always had one and it certainly hasn't gone anywhere. It has proven to be quite a challenge to get her to say "please." And even though she's capable of saying pretty much anything, she doesn't always choose to say what she wants...sometimes she just finds it easier to throw a little tantrum! 

"Who, me?"

The sensitivity! My Bug is still a very sensitive girl and remains very unsure in new situations. But since I now know to expect this, it's not a big deal. I just know going into new situations that Charlie will probably be glued to my side. And that's okay.

At a December playdate at our house, Charlie was quite unsure of all the little strangers in her house. She stuck close to Mommy.

Jensen Todd at 18, 19, 20 & 21 Months:
Weight and Height: Same as Charlie...I can't remember numbers but he's around the 95th percentile for height and just below 50th for weight. Big boy!

What I'm Loving Right Now About Jensen Todd:

JOY! This kiddos is pure joy. He's lucky he isn't a girl, or I would seriously be considering changing his middle name to "Joy". He just truly seems to live life to the fullest and take in each new experience with his little arms wide open. He's not afraid of anything (except Santa) and I love his spirit. He's taking after his Grandpa and is turning into quite the tease as well! I think he's going to have a wonderful sense of humor. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: His laugh is the single best sound ever.

"NO!": Jensen is still a man of few words (but it's not that he isn't trying; he talks constantly. We just don't understand a lot of what he's saying. And I think we are beginning to run into the issue of Charlotte talking for him). But one of the words he has mastered is "No"! I wish I could upload videos because the way he says it is so stinking cute. He shakes his head and says (in a high-pitched voice) "Naooo." It is just crazy adorable and often we will ask him questions just to hear him say it.

"Where's Jensen?"

The sweetness. My little dude is a sweetheart and loves to pucker up and give me kisses. Sometimes I don't even have to ask...he just comes up and plants one on me. He is still very sensitive toward his sister and does not like when she is upset. Actually, he doesn't like when anyone is upset. He is visibly concerned any time another child is upset or crying.

What Makes Jensen Todd a Challenge These Days:

He's all boy: As I've said numerous times, he's into anything and everything. He doesn't slow down and he doesn't stop. Keeping up with him is exhausting...he rarely walks; running is where it's at. If he sees something he wants, he leaves Charlotte and me in the dust and goes for it. And he does NOT want Mommy holding him back; in fact, he threw an all-out tantrum the other day because I made him hold my hand in the school parking lot.

And speaking of tantrums...he is throwing some big ones these days. They aren't pretty and I'm not going to lie, it can be quite embarrassing. Like when he's face-down in the school parking lot and I'm getting offers of help from sympathetic strangers. Or when it's time to go inside and eat dinner and Jensen would rather stay outside playing with the neighbors...and the resulting tantrum is so bad that the neighbors can't help but laugh out loud. Yes, the boy has a temper and I have a feeling the tantrums are going to get worse before they get better.

And finally...a few pics of Charlotte and Jensen together.

Rain gear!

Watching Sesame Street together in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Charlie insisted on wearing Jensen's fireman costume to Costco.


  1. Cute Cute Cute!! Loved this post. You did a way better update than I did on my condensded Ben post! They are all growing up so fast! Tear!

  2. Wonderful post Marcy, you put a lot into that one, all from the heart. Pictures are adorable.
