Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hooray for Singleton Day!

A month or so ago my mom came over and said she had a "great idea!" I was a bit skeptical of course, but once she explained her idea, I was on board completely. The idea? We call it "Singleton Day"... my mom takes one kiddo all day and I take the other, allowing us both to have individual time with either Charlotte or Jensen.

Yesterday, my mom picked Jensen up at about 10:00 for our first Singleton Day. Charlotte and I got off to a bit of a rocky start (what with her tearful cries of "Grandma! Grandma!" as my mom left with Jensen) but we ended up having a great time together. First stop was Kohl's for a bit of shopping...

Next up...a trip to the library. We sat together and read books, then Charlotte played with a few toys and read some magazines.

After the library, we had a Mommy-Daddy-Daughter lunch. Charlie was such a good little girl and it was so nice for Brian and I to be able to really focus on her.

Then it was naptime. But when Charlie woke up, we  resumed our day with a quick trip to the grocery store. There were a couple things we needed, and a trip to the store can indeed be quick with only one toddler in tow! I promised her we'd play outside when we got home, so play outside we did!

Charlotte was so happy and content all day. I had such a nice time just hanging out with my girl...she's such a sweetie and I think she really enjoyed having me and Brian to herself. Oh, and don't worry about Jensen...he had a great time playing at Chick-Fil-A with my mom, her friend Robin, and her grandson Christian:

"Christian, you are so COOL!"

I did of course miss him a ton! It's weird and (here's where I make singleton moms mad!) almost unsettling how uneventful it is to have just one kiddo. But I will admit my mom was right: Singleton Day was a great idea for everyone! I'm looking forward to next week's date with my little dude.


  1. Great idea!! I had just Drew for the afternoon on Sunday and it was so great...and I completely agree...crazy how much 2 changes the dynamics of a day!!! Charlie looks adorable in all those photos by the way. She had gotten so old!

  2. How special and fun. Charlotte is the cutest thing.

  3. I thought I saw Jensen at Chick-Fil-A, I went there for lunch and saw your mom taking him out to the car. I told my friend, "that's Jensen" and she had no idea who I was talking about. Whew, thought I was going crazy! Thinking about stealing this idea from you....
