Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Choose Your Own Adventure

This crazy little dude...

...has quite the sense of adventure. He always has. He's always ready to jump right in to new situations and is rarely afraid of anything. This sense of adventure has led to a few interesting events the past few days.

First, on Saturday, as we were getting ready to go to Piper's birthday party, Brian and I had a little...let's just say miscommunication. This miscommunication resulted in (and I should not be admitting this on the blog) the door to the garage (as well as the garage door itself) being left open and Jensen escaping. Brian wandered in to the laundry room (where I was getting dressed...I may or may not have been tossing dirty clothes in the dryer in an attempt to make them look fresh and clean) and asked "Where's Jensen?" One glance toward the open door and we both ran outside frantically. Fortunately I spotted his little figure right away and fortunately he was safe. He had, however, traveled across the cul-de-sac and was standing on a neighbor's porch three doors down from us. It is INSANE how fast he can get from one place to another these days.*

Jensen's second adventure occurred later that day at the birthday party, where he (once again, I am painting a delightful picture of us as parents) used the craziness that is a four-year-old's birthday party to escape from the room we were in at a bounce-house place and cause yet another frantic search party. This time we found that he had traveled out the door, down a hallway, and was standing in the doorway to a room containing big bounce houses (and another birthday party)...just holding his balloon, checking out all the action. I am starting to think I am seriously going to need a leash for him. He escapes in what seems like the blink of an eye.

So today, when I picked the kids up from school, I couldn't help but laugh at the note Mrs. Clark left on Jensen's daily report:

I sent the above photo to my mom and Brian. In typical grandmotherly fashion, my mom said, "We love it too, don't we sweetie?" In typical fatherly fashion, Brian replied, "That's a nice way of saying he's always getting into things." 

I found out later this afternoon just how into things he could get! We were playing outside when a neighbor came over to chat. As we stood in the cul-de-sac chatting, her daughter (a second-grader named Rylee whom Jensen adores) took her dog into the house through their garage. I kind of absently watched Jensen follow Rylee into the garage...he goes in their garage quite a bit and Rylee plays with him, shows him her bike and scooter, etc. She keeps an eye on him and entertains him, and I just kinda figured that's what was going on. But a short time later Jensen came walking down the neighbor's driveway holding something...a bag of tortilla chips. Rylee's mom and I laughed and figured Rylee had brought them out to Jensen. A couple minutes later, Rylee appeared. And asked where Jensen got the chips. Long story short, she hadn't even seen him enter their house, let alone given him the chips. 

So to sum up, Jensen:

Entered our neighbor's house undetected.
Located their pantry.
Carefully selected himself a snack of tortilla chips.
Brought the tortilla chips to me to open.

Fortunately my neighbor thought it was funny that my child raided her pantry. And fortunately Jensen came out of yet another adventure unscathed. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to start tying a bell around his neck.

*I know I am making light of this incident but it was seriously terrifying and could have ended so badly, and we are so thankful it didn't.


  1. Time to get that boy a GPS chip or something!
    But he's awfully cute...

  2. Yeah..I was kinda scared reading it. The only good news here is that you don't have TWO adventurers.
