Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Un-Girly Girl!

Here is a pic of my Bug after breakfast this morning. She is wearing sports-themed pajamas (picked out specifically for her; not her brother!) which she insisted on wearing last night ("Ball PJs! Ball PJs!"). She is doing some light reading of her book called First 100 Trucks (again, purchased specifically with her in mind) which she obtained by sitting in her high chair yelling, "Truck book! Truck book!"

Not sure if it will ever be princesses and ballet shoes for this little tomboy! Wouldn't change her for the world.


  1. I love it. Ava is my girly tomboy. She loves dance class, princesses and pretty much only wears tutu skirts, but the loves to take her dumptruck to the park. She also likes to carry a ourselves full of hot wheels and sleeps with a plastic t-Rex. :)

  2. Ourselves is suppossed to be a purse. Sorry I am on my iPad.
