Sunday, February 27, 2011

Decorator. Hostess. Snot-sucker. Procrastinator.

I just kind of do it all. :)

First, the decorating. I am not very good with interior design. I'm definitely not one of those people who can be at a store and spot something and say, "Oh, that would be perfect for my [insert room of house]!" But I had been wanting to redo my mantle with pictures of the kiddos, so I bit the bullet and had some frames made. Then, while browsing Kirkland's on Friday, I spotted a piece of iron that I thought might look nice above the frames. Brian hung it up for me yesterday morning and I think it actually turned out quite well!

Pics by Missy Saunders. Frames from Etsy. Curtains draped out of Charlotte and Jensen's reach by dad.

Next up, the hostessing: On Friday afternoon, Charlotte and Jensen were so happy to get an impromptu visit from two very special people who were able to stop by and see us on their way into town from Houston...Tate and Savannah!

Two sets of twins = quadruple the fun! And quadruple the picture-taking chaos!

Tate and Savannah will be two in June and I cannot believe how big they have gotten. They are so sweet and happy and I'm so glad we got the chance to see them (and their parents of course!).

This kills me because I always think J is soooo big...but next to Savannah he still looks like a baby. :)

Jensen and Tate playing in the tunnel.

Tate cracks me up. He made himself right at home!
Okay, so that wasn't really hostessing. It was just a nice visit from friends. But on Saturday, I had volunteered to host a party for my lovely friend Kristen, who recently became a rep for a company called 31. It was a fun afternoon of drinking sangria, snacking, and chatting with friends...oh yes, and shopping! I've never had any desire to host a party of this nature before, but I wanted to host this one because Kristen is awesome and so is the 31 stuff! For example, here's my first 31 purchase:

It's a thermal (stuff stays cold!) tote that I can use to carry Charlotte and Jensen's food when we go places. And it's that material that you can just wipe clean. Cute AND practical, yes??

Anyways, I once again underestimated the difficulty of getting things done when you have two babies crawling around, so thank goodness my mom and Tammy were around to help me prepare for the party and chase Charlotte and Jensen around while I hostessed!

Next up: Sucking snot. This one is fairly self-explanatory, but here's a brief summary: Colds have once again struck Charlotte and Jensen. I have once again resumed sucking snot. It is not fun for anyone involved. I'm tired.

And finally, procrastinating, which is what I've been doing by writing this post. Charlotte and Jensen have been ten months old for almost a week, yet you might have noticed an absence of their ten-month post. I started it, but finishing it has been another story...for some reason it's just too daunting. Oh'll notice that "blogger" was not included in the title. :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Jennifer said there was lots of cute stuff at the 31 party! I like the frames- very cute!
