Monday, February 14, 2011

It's the Little Things

On Friday evening I had a mini-freakout when I realized I had been storing Charlotte and Jensen's oatmeal and rice in containers that are not BPA-free (I used to do way more exciting things on Friday nights, I promise!). We had been wanting a new Tupperware set for awhile now (oh wow...just when you think this post couldn't get any nerdier!), so Brian went to Wal-Mart on Saturday to replace our old stuff:

A mess.

With this BPA-free set:

Hello, Lover!

After a quick bath... new Tupperware settled in to its new home:

Welcome home, matching Tupperware set! I will do my best to keep track of your lids for at least a few months.

Can you tell I am a bit excited to not have to spend 15 minutes searching for a lid every time I put leftovers away? Anyways, that was the beginning of our weekend. Saturday got much more exciting when I received a last-minute visit from Jill, who was in town to celebrate her nephew's first birthday. Kim came over too, and it was so nice (albeit way too short) to spend some girl time catching up. In the past few months, I've had impromptu visits from Christina, Kile, and Jill...that's three out of four Houston girls! Whitney, if you're reading this, that's a hint that I want you to come over! :)

So...on to Sunday. Have I ever mentioned that I receive a lot of hand-me-downs? Yes? And did you think I was exaggerating? Well, let me give you a glimpse at the latest batch of outgrown clothes:

Keep in mind that this is not newborn clothes, 0-3 month clothes, etc. Those are long gone. These bins are all full of clothes, shoes, etc. that Charlotte and Jensen have recently outgrown.  Yikes! It took me pretty much all day on Sunday to sort through everything and stock Charlotte and Jensen's closet with clothes that currently fit them or that I am hoping they can wear this spring/summer. But I'm done...well, for now anyways!

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