Saturday, February 5, 2011

Icepocalypse 2011

Day One: Tuesday
Wake up and try to convince Brian that the thick sheets of ice on the driveway and surrounding roads would make a great excuse to skip work and stay home. Fail. Spend the rest of the day hanging inside with Charlotte and Jensen. Have a tea party...

...and discover new and exciting uses for our toys...

(i.e., get stuck underneath them.)

Realize that snow days are pretty much just like every other day around here. Read facebook status updates wherein friends complain of cabin fever after being stuck at home for less than 24 hours. Roll eyes. Proceed with dinner and bedtime as usual...until, in an apparent effort to liven things up a bit, Charlotte poops on the floor.

Day Two: Wednesday
Wake up and try to convince Brian that the thick sheets of ice on the driveway and surrounding roads would make a great excuse to skip work and stay home. Fail. Enjoy a visit from Aunt Biff, who braves the ice to come hang out with us. Bundle up Charlotte and Jensen because their nine-month checkup is today and we don't want to miss it.

My little Russian baby!

Make it to and from the doctor's office safely. Learn that both babies are progressing perfectly, with Jensen hanging out around the 50th percentile in both height and weight and Charlotte becoming a little string bean who's above average in height and around the 25th percentile for weight. Read facebook status updates wherein friends complain of cabin fever. Begin to empathize. Cook spinach for the babies and feed it to them for dinner...

Success! Of course, the fact that I mixed in sweet potatoes and pears probably didn't hurt.

Day Three: Thursday
Wake up and try to convince Brian that the thick sheets of ice on the driveway and surrounding roads would make a great excuse to skip work and stay home. Fail. Receive text from Grandma stating that she cannot take staying home another day and that my dad (born and raised in Buffalo and completely unfazed by ice) is bringing her to our house. Spend the day eating Grandma's chicken soup and listening to her marvel about how much cuter Charlotte and Jensen have gotten in the two days she went without seeing them. Debate posting my own facebook status update in which I complain of cabin fever, but resist the urge. Perhaps sensing my boredom, Jensen pees on Charlotte's head during bedtime routine, turning a non-hair-washing night into a definite hair-washing night.

Day Four: Friday
Wake up and try to convince Brian that the several inches of snow on top of the thick sheets of ice combined with the fact that there are no tire marks on our street (meaning no one has braved driving in these conditions!) would be a perfect excuse to stay home from work. Once again, fail. Delirium begins to set in. Attempt to take artsy pictures of the snow and realize the camera class would have been a good idea.

Why yes, that is a beer bottle. We like to keep it classy.

When the photography fails to alleviate boredom, pull out fake mustache and try it on Jensen:

Is it just me, or would he make a great silent-movie villain?

Then...a light at the end of the tunnel! Brian's office closes an hour early...and Grandma and Grandpa offer to come babysit so we can get some Mexican food with Dot and Biff! Margaritaville, here I come! Bundle up and dodge deadly icicles hanging from roof...

...and make it to and from dinner with only one incident during which we skidded just a tad too close to the ditch on the side of the road. Success!

So what did I take away from Icepocalypse 2011? That there are no two people I'd rather be stuck indoors with for four straight days than these two:

...but that post-confinement taste of freedom (and margarita) was delicious!


  1. Ha Ha- this post was funny! LOVE Jensen's mustache!! That is a good look for him! :) AND I did think of you when I was indoors all day- I thought, hmmm...this is what Marcy does on a day to day basis. I must say, it wasn't all that bad. I actually enjoyed myself! But then again, I did have Ryan home all week to help, and that definitely did help. If I had been by myself, then it might not have been so great!

  2. Oh. My. God. That mustache was the BEST gift ever in a party favor bucket! Sooooooo glad I found it! (I am assuming no one else gave him fake mustache that is...) I am in tears from laughter at those pics. I am thrilled such a small token could provide so much entertainment! :)

  3. HEY...I DID NOT complain about cabin fever until day THREE. Another jewel of a blog entry. That second mustache picture of Jensen is a riot. I'm concerned about that last picture..the hands on diaper trick. LOved the beer bottle..of course I knew exactly what it was..class all the way.
    You do realize that library was closed for 5 stinkin you have any idea what Monday will be like? I'm going cause I just missed it so much (besides i will be short 5 days of pay)
