Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hosts With the Most

Today, Charlotte and Jensen hosted their first playdate and invited their friends from our Moms of Multiples group. They were still asleep when their guests began to arrive (er, I guess they may not actually be the best hosts) so you can imagine their surprise when I brought them downstairs to a living room full of babies playing with their toys!

Since most of the members of my multiples group live in Fort Worth, I thought maybe one or two moms would bring their babies...I was very surprised that we were joined by four other moms and one dad (to make a total of 12 babies ranging in age from four months to eleven months!). People kept asking me if my house was ready for a play it turns out, it wasn't: The living room needed to grow by about 100 square feet or so! Despite the cramped quarters, a good time was had by all!

And this is a really random side note, but I love baby names and am always so interested to hear what people name their babies. If I ever have any more kids, it will be so I can pick out names for them (my current obsession is Juliet for a pretty!). So in case anyone out there is baby-name obsessed like me, here are the names of the twin sets from today's playgroup:

Jackson & Wyatt (both boys)
Pearl and Adele (both girls)
Telsy & Luke (girl and boy)
Aizlyn & Drayk (girl and boy)
Presley and Marshall (girl and boy)

And of course you all know Charlotte and Jensen. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad it went well! I love all those names! Maybe I can make one soon.
