Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fourteen Months

Just a bit about what my stinkers have been up to during month 14 (besides getting sick, of course):

Charlotte Anne at 14 Months

Yes, she's a full-fledged walker now!

Chillin' in the taxi while brother got his second haircut.

Little Peanut is still a tomboy who loves cars, trucks and balls. She has become such a loving little thing, and will often walk up to one of her stuffed animals and give it a big kiss. 

Kisses for Jazzy!
 Charlotte is so great at keeping herself amused. She is very interested in how things work and will spend a long time (well, in toddler time anyways) keeping herself busy. For example, she spent forever in her kiddie pool the other day with a leaf:

She'd put it in, watch it float, go in and get it, get back out of the pool with the leaf, and put it back in another spot of the pool. She's becoming even more opinionated and likes to help me decide what she's going to wear every morning. We got a recent batch of hand-me-down shoes from cousin Knox...they are obviously for Jensen, but Charlotte found a blue pair that she decided she absolutely must wear now. She shrieked at me until I put them on her, and then she didn't want to take them off (despite the fact that they were a good three sizes too big):

Charlie has been such a sweetheart this month. I never knew what a blessing it would be to have a kiddo who is good at keeping herself busy...that is, until...

Jensen Todd at 14 Months little wild man came into my life! Oh, Jensen...where to begin? He is a mess! A very, very busy mess. He rarely stays focused on one thing for more than a few minutes, and Brian and I have to take turns being on "Jensen Patrol" (which means chasing him around the yard if we're outside or making sure he doesn't get into too much trouble if we're inside). Thank goodness for our pool fence, that's for sure. When Brian is at work, he gets periodic picture texts of Jensen with the simple caption, "Mischief!" A few examples:

My little man is still a sweetheart, though. He loves to sit on our laps for story time, and he's mastered the art of standing about a foot in front of my lap facing away from me, then backing up slowly until he can plop himself down into my lap. Sometimes he lands squarely in our laps and sometimes he misses by a few inches...either way, it's adorable. 

Mom's view...yes, he still has some seriously chubby feet.

Jensen has also become attached to his "softie" (aka cloth diaper) that we have always given him to sleep with. He's gotten to where he likes to have one around all the time and will resort to digging through his dirty clothes hamper (ew) to find one...he's also figured out that the clean ones are kept in the pack 'n' play, so he'll try to reach in there and grab one sometimes, too.

"I know you're in there, Softie!"

And he does still love to read...I came across this little scene the other day:

A rare moment of peace and quiet!

Jensen still only has four teeth! And he recently got his second haircut, taking him from these shaggy locks... this slightly-too-short cut:

I know it must feel better for him to have it off his face and neck, but they went a bit crazy with the razor this time! Oh well, he's still a handsome dude.

So that's month 14...hoping month 15 is just as fun, but a bit healthier!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pics Marcy..and you wrapped a lot into one post..thanks. Yep..not the best haircut I've ever seen..but I'm pretty sure that is the hardest job in the world..cutting a squirming kids hair.
