Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Give

We had one healthy week. One. Then Jensen caught a cold from somewhere (cough, Uncle Dot, cough). Then he passed it on to his sis. I'm at my wit's end and fresh out of ideas on how to keep these poor kiddos healthy. They are pitiful...and to be honest, so is their mommy! I threw quite the pity party for myself on Thursday: Brian had left town for three days of work-related golf tournaments. My brother and a few of our friends were off for a long weekend in Florida. And my parents had planned a Saturday getaway to Choctaw for Auntie Tammy's birthday. Which left me and my sick babies.

But things began to look up, as they tend to do. Brian's Saturday golf tournament got canceled, and Jensen is feeling much better already. Brian practically pushed me out the door to go to spin class this morning, and it did me lots of good to work out. We hung out around the house today with our pitiful munchkins who, although still quite cute, were looking a bit worse for wear. At one point I looked at their snotty faces, disheveled hair, and dirty clothes and told Brian that if I saw them out in public I'd think they were pretty darn gross little kids. Brian's take on Jensen's appearance: "He looks like Nick Nolte's mug shot."

And that, my friends, is what I'm dealing with this lovely Saturday evening!


  1. I am so sorry- trust me, I know the feeling of sick kiddos! Ha- I bet Jensen looks a bit cuter than that pic- poor baby! How did the garlic drops work?

  2. hilarious! I was going to email you to see about setting up a playdate but maybe i'll wait a week...... or two ;-)

  3. The very best mug shot EVER!
