Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wakey, Wakey!

Charlotte and Jensen are one week in to cutting their morning nap and staying up until 12:30 or 1:00. Thankfully, the transition has been fairly smooth...I think it's safe to say it was harder for me than for them! (Let's be honest, that 9:30-11:00 nap was pretty nice for me...I ate breakfast, drank some coffee, cleaned up after Hurricane Charlie & Jensen, and did my blogging.)

Throughout the past week, I've tried various ways to keep them awake through their sleepy morning time...here's a brief breakdown of how they've played out:

Good Ideas:
Swimming in the backyard
Lunch with Grandma and Auntie Tammy
Trips to Target to stroll around (the only thing our Target strolls are not good for is my wallet!)

Bad Ideas:
Haircut for Jensen (crabby baby = squirmy baby = questionable haircut)
Toddler time at the local activity center (sidenote: five-year-olds are NOT toddlers and should therefore not participate in activities with 'toddler' in the title)
Storytime at the library: To be fair, this idea itself wasn't bad...but my preparation for it was. Jensen was hungry and ran from person to person stealing snacks, sippy cups, etc. and irritating moms and other children alike. I did my best to wrangle Charlie and Jensen, but let's just say I was not what you'd call successful.

So if you see us strolling around Target, come say hi! And if you see us at storytime, well...just try to get a seat as far from us as possible. And hide your snacks.

Semi-comatose toddlers and a large foam hammer that Target Charlotte and Jensen convinced me was absolutely necessary to purchase.

1 comment:

  1. What a sucker you are...you will positively purchase any old piece of junk. Loved the comment about sit as far from you as possible in storytime.
