Monday, October 11, 2010

Meet BOB...

**Warning: Unless you are in the market for a double stroller, this post will be the most boring thing you read all day!

I am proud to introduce the newest member of the family...

No, not the baby. The baby is Jensen. The stroller is Bob....aka the BOB Revolution Duallie.

Side view

Quit taking our picture and let's GO!

Yes, I had fallen hard for the Bumbleride (and its pretty colors). But in the end, love is about more than just appearance. So we went with the had the best reviews and most recommendations from the moms in my multiples group. Before any of you point out the obvious (that it's a jogging stroller and I don't jog), we got it because it's great on all kinds of terrain so we'll be able to use it for walks, trips to the zoo and park, etc. It is also extremely lightweight and easy to push, so I will be able to push it with one hand and hold Bailey's leash in the other. It has a safety strap so that if Bailey happens to see a squirrel and take off and pull the stroller out of my hands, it will still stay attached to me as opposed to rolling rapidly away. And despite how big it looks, it actually fits easily through the front door. Oh, and each seat reclines, so one can lie back and nap while the other sits up.

After our first walk today, I really do love it. It's light enough for me to maneuver it onto and off of curbs, and it is so much easier to push around than the Double Snap 'n' Go. And Charlotte and Jensen really seemed to enjoy the view and the smoother ride--they usually play with their crinkle books the entire time on walks, but this time the books just sat in their laps while they got their first good look at their neighborhood. We will probably end up buying a smaller, cheaper stroller to keep in the car to use for quick errands, but while Charlotte and Jensen are still in their Snugride car seats, we'll keep using the Double Snap 'n' Go.

So, I think we're all going to be really happy with our purchase. I can't wait for some cooler weather and longer strolls through our 'hood!


  1. I like it:) We use our jogging stroller for tons of stuff other than jogging. For cheap & quick double stroller we use two single umbrella strollers and buy the $10 connectors at Babies R Us....Bam...double stroller.

  2. That is a really good idea Whit. That way you can take them apart if you are only taking one twin on an errand.
