Sunday, October 24, 2010

Operation: Baby Food

Phase One (Information Gathering): Consult with friends, relatives, the pediatrician. Peruse books and Internet sites.

Reach the following conclusions: Begin solids at six months and start with avocado as the first food.

Phase Two (Preparation): Charge camera battery. Tell Grandma to come over because she won't want to miss this. Put babies in their places and prepare their meal:

Can you spy Bailey down there? She is probably going to reap all the benefits of the babies' messy eating!

"Um, what's going on here? Are we supposed to be eating these bibs? Because they're delish!"

Phase Three (Feedin' Time!): Commence feeding the babies.

First let's talk Charlotte: This girl has just never been very interested in eating. She is so busy talking, looking around, smiling at you, etc. that it takes forever to get her to finish a bottle. So we weren't expecting her to do so hot with solids. But our Peanut has surprised us yet again--she loved the avocado and, from the very first bite, acted like she has been eating from a spoon forever. Perhaps she is just bored with formula and is ready for bigger and better and tastier things--a little foodie in the making!

"Bring it on, Dad!"

"Hmmm...the aroma and texture lead me to believe this is a Haas avocado, from the northern Mexico region."

"Yes, very nice. I approve."

Next, we have our Mr. Jensen. This boy loves his bottle, watches us eat with interest, and sometimes even tries to grab our food from us. So we thought he'd gobble down solids, no problem. Well, he was enthusiastic about it, but I don't think he quite understands that he not only has to put the food in his mouth, he has to swallow it as well. Plus, I'm not so sure that avocado is going to be his favorite food...

I started out holding his hand back because he kept trying to grab the spoon.

I soon realized that I might as well let him have it. His face clearly says that he is not so sure about avocado!

"That's a nice camera, but it could really use some avocado on the lens!" meal down, millions more to go. We will stick with avocado for a few days then move on to more fruits and vegetables. And how is making their food going? Well, all I have done so far is mash up an it's going great! :) We will see how I do when things start getting more complicated.

And lastly, our family's first time together at the kitchen table:


  1. "Hmmm...the aroma and texture lead me to believe this is a Haas avocado, from the northern Mexico region."

    OMG I laughed so hard at that! Love it! I knew Charlotte would fit right in for out Girls Weekend Mexican Food Fiestas!

  2. I agree with Jill...that just cracked me up Marcy. I love all the pictures. I was kinda surprised that the book said to start with avacado..not sure why i was surprised..i love them.
