Thursday, October 21, 2010


No, we aren't taking a trip to Alabama. No, I didn't make something crafty to hang above the twins' cribs. Mobile. As in, we have movement! As in, I can no longer put my babies in one spot and expect them to stay there. The honeymoon's over and the real excitement is beginning! Nope, they aren't exactly crawling just yet, but they are definitely able to scoot around when they put their little minds to it. For example, they started out side-by-side on the pink blanket. And, as you can see, Jensen ended up in the play yard...

Okay, so he scooted backwards. This did concern me a bit, but all the sources I have consulted say it's normal. He scooted himself right inside, then turned around to play.

Then there was this evening. Charlotte and Jensen started out on the white blanket...

Using a unique combination of rolling, scooting and kicking, C and J rapidly made their way off the blanket! Okay, the "rapidly" part was a lie. They are really quite slow. Thank goodness.

I mean, look at this face...would this sweet angel ever get into any mischief??

This face? It pretty much says that mischief is imminent.

And if Bailey could voice her opinion on the babies' new-found mobility? She'd probably say something along the lines of, "Oh, crap..."


  1. HAHAHA! Oh the posts to come.....

    Camryn never even crawled. I had more stretched out onesies around the neck than imaginable. Cailyn was a roller, not a scooter. They move the way that gets them there! Too cute!

  2. These pics are are really using your new camera. I'm just glad they look so different and that I can tell them apart (i hope you be sure to correct me if I ever get it wrong). That one of Jensen looks like the most innocent kid ever...I don't think that will be the case tho.
