Friday, October 15, 2010

So... How's the Diet Going?

The diet? Oh, yes, er, that. Well, I was chugging along okay. Then my birthweek came along. (I saw birthweek instead of birthday because I really spent the entire week celebrating. And by celebrating, I mean stuffing my face full of delicious-but-definitely-not-on-the-diet foods.)

First, there were red velvet cupcakes at my celebration with my Mansfield girls:

See the cupcake stand in the middle of the table? Cristi made me take the leftovers home! She did not, however, make me eat them. I did that on my own.

Then, there was my birthday lunch from my brother:

Dot's famous super nachos!

Next, my parents got me cookies and cream cupcakes from Frosted Pink:

Yes, they are as good as they look. Probably the best cupcakes ever made. Worth every last calorie!

Then, Brian got me my favorite cake--chocolate cake from Lucile's in Fort Worth:

It's kind of like a cake/brownie hybrid. And they send you home with a delicious chocolate fudge sauce.

These desserts were all topped off with dinner at Tillman's, which I was pretty much too full to eat (but ate anyways).

Next (you are in disbelief that there's another 'next', aren't you?) was a yummy cake that Whit made for our girls' weekend:

We all brought sweets to snack on, and of course we ate Mexican food on both Friday and Saturday nights. Because that's just how we roll.  

So...there you have it. I totally fell off the wagon. Looking back at all these pictures actually makes me wonder why I don't weigh even more than I do! (It also makes me quite hungry.) So I have tried to get myself back on track and have been taking long walks with the kiddos and BOB (I looooove BOB!) and doing the elliptical at night when the babies are asleep. But I am most definitely not where I wanted to be at this point, so I am a little mad at myself for slacking off for so long.

But the real point of this post is that we wanted to wait until Charlotte and Jensen are six months old before starting solids. I just realized that they will (unbelievably!) be six months old a week from today. I really, really want my children to be healthy and eat healthy foods. I feel like it is not humanly possible to make your kids like healthy foods, because if it was, my mom would have done it. Because she tried so hard with us! She is one of the healthiest eaters alive--as in, she thinks salmon with a side of broccoli is probably the most delicious meal ever--and she was always making us healthy meals. But at 30 years old, broccoli still makes me gag, and my definition of "eating healthy" is eating less calories...which I know is not true (hello, Diet Coke!). But I know the babies are going to be watching what we eat, and I want them to watch us eating decent foods. And I figure that if I can't make them like healthy foods, I can at least make them eat healthy foods while they are still young enough for me to control what they eat!

So my goal is to make most, if not all, of Charlotte and Jensen's foods. (We shall see if that actually happens. I also had a goal of breastfeeding for six months, and we all know how that turned out.) Why would I want to do such a thing? Well, first and most obviously, it's cheaper...and with two babies to feed, cheaper is good. Second, it will be nice to know that I am feeding them healthy foods with no preservatives and what-not. Third, I still suffer from a smidge of guilt about only nursing them for three months, so maybe this will make me feel a little better (I know, I have issues). My sisters-in-law have both made baby food so I know they'll be a good source of knowledge for me.

I will have to take a picture of the stack of books on my nightstand, because I have been immersed in books on what to feed your babies, when to feed it to them, how to make it, etc. I find it all quite confusing, which makes me think that I am probably waaaay over-thinking things...which, if you know me, you will not find surprising. Sigh. Brace yourself for lots of posts about my adventures in making Charlotte and Jensen's food--and feeding it to them! I am guessing that lots of trial and error lies ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Well that one made me hungry too..and I'm eating right now as i read this.
    Where is this Dot's and can I get a smaller order than that (Nachos just like that are what I search the world for) Slightly concerned about that crumbled up cheese on top tho.
    Another great and clever post Marcy
