Friday, October 8, 2010

Stroller Lust

You know you're a mom when you are really excited to go shopping this weekend for...a stroller! (And also when you use the word "lust" in reference to a stroller.) Anyways, it's about that time to graduate from the practical but boring Double Snap 'n' Go and get ourselves a stroller that Charlotte and Jensen can use without their car seats. I am really excited about this because I am loving taking them for walks in this weather, but they don't exactly love their Double Snap 'n' Go because they can't see too much when we go for our strolls. Plus it requires getting them all snug in their car seats, which they also don't love. A stroller for "big kids" will allow them to face forward and see the sights!

The problem is that there are about 50 billion double strollers on the Internet...but there are definitely not 50 billion double strollers at places like Babies 'r' Us that you can actually try out in person. So I have been doing Internet research when I have the time (why did I not do this back when I was bored out of my mind on bed rest??). I don't even really know the point of this post...maybe to ask for advice? Does anyone have a double stroller they like? Or hate?

I will leave you a pic of the current object of my lust...the Bumbleride Indie Twin. I haven't seen it in person, but based on the pictures? I'm in love.

Bumbleride Indie Twin in "Spice"


  1. Looks good to me! I know when Brittany had the twins in a stroller she had a Jeep double side by side. I think she liked the side by side but it's hard to get into some doorways.... but aren't they all? I do think she liked it better than the ones that are one in front of the other. I really like the colors of the one you picked out!

  2. I'm pretty sure Marcy was drawn to the colors also...
