Monday, October 4, 2010

Girls Weekend (aka Cougar-Fest 2010)

One of the best things about college is that you get to see your best friends all the time. Heck, you even get to live with some of your best friends. Then you graduate, and move all over the place, and get jobs and get married and buy houses...and before you know it, those girls you used to see every day? You're now lucky to see them a couple of times a year.

But when you get together, it's just like old times...except, well, you're a lot older. You may even get called cougars by your 22-year-old waiter. Then you might make him pose for a picture with you in which you all (after chugging Mexican Martinis) cleverly do your best cougar impression. Then you might take your 22-year-old waiter's advice and join him at the most random bar ever, where you will dance around like idiots because the only people you know there are each other!  And you've been dancing around like idiots together for over 10 years now! The next morning, you might be hit with the realization that you just can't party like you used to, and you'll have a low-key Saturday of lounging by the pool, shopping, and dinner (with lots of phone calls home to check on your babies sprinkled in).

Yes, my Third Annual Girls' Trip was a couple weekends ago. I survived being away from the babies for the first time. I cried big, fat tears when I left them...until Tammy, who was there to help my mom watch them when I left, told me to stop crying or my milk might come back! That shut me up really quick! Kim and I made the drive to Austin, where we were greeted by Christina, Jill, and Whitney, who were wearing birthday hats and singing "Happy Birthday" while holding a yummy cake--that's right, my 30th birthday celebration continued!We had a great weekend filled with lots of eating, drinking, laughing, talking and dancing...oh, and one of us learned how to DJ. And one of us wrote down the weekend's memorable quotes in a handy notebook. And one of us took about 50 billion pictures, but has yet to send them to the rest of us (hint, hint). I will leave you with the one picture I took--Christina and Jill with their party hats on:

I miss you girls already...and I can't wait for Girls' Weekend 2011!

Edited to Add: Since there is some doubt that some of the events described above actually took place (and a certain someone finally sent out her pics), I am proud to present...

The Cougar Picture!


  1. Ditto on the (hint, hint)! Miss you all, too. Kiss those babies!

  2. I'm waiting for the cougar shot with your 22 year old waiter.......of course that first paragraph was entirely a fantasy so there are actually NO pictures at all...right?

  3. that was funny. Of course it doesn't hurt that every single one of you ladies is drop dead gorgeous
