Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Few Things I Forgot...

(aka "Part 2 of Charlotte and Jensen's 8-Month Post")
(aka "I'm Slowly But Surely Losing My Mind")

Okay, I'm not sure where my brain was when I hit "publish" on C & J's 8-month post. Yesterday I was uploading pictures from Month 8 onto Snapfish and I kept seeing pictures that I completely forgot about but are totally blog-worthy. So this is not going to be a very interesting post; just some pics/stories that I want to record for Charlotte and Jensen.

First up, Charlotte and Jensen's first time at Campo Verde!

"Um, Mom? Our brains are about to explode from Christmas decoration overload."

My parents used to take Todd and me there every year at Christmastime, and in recent years my mom and I would always have a Christmas lunch there with Renee (home from NYC) and Tammy...and I may or may not have made Brian take me there a few times for sopapillas when I was pregnant (the babies were really craving them!). This year was a bit different since Renee just had a baby and was unable to come home, so my mom, Tammy and I took the babies to lunch so they could take in the many, many sights and sounds. I think they liked it...obviously there was quite a bit to see! It is also worth noting that, although Charlotte usually appears to be a mini-Brian, she looks exactly like my baby pictures in the above photo!

Next, we have a few pictures of Charlotte and Jensen playing in their peas. Remember how I gave them peas and Charlotte made all kinds of funny faces and Jensen looked just plain depressed? I decided to try to let them play around with the peas in the hopes that continuing to expose them to the smell, texture, taste, etc. will lead them to enjoy peas a bit success with that just yet, but they had fun playing. I love these pictures because they are such perfect examples of Charlotte and Jensen: Jensen dove right in and made a huge mess, while Charlotte examined the peas, talked to them, and finally explored them with her little pointer finger. I love how different these two are!

Next we have teething fun. Charlotte has three teeth and, while Jensen is still The Toothless Wonder, they both obviously had some discomfort from teething this month. They were constantly chewing on their hands:

And at one point my mom decided to give Charlotte a carrot to chew on. I told her that I don't know if it's advisable to give babies carrots. She insisted that she used to give me carrots to chew on all the time, and I turned out fine. (Can't argue with that!) So if it turns out that it's not okay to give babies carrots these days, please don't call CPS on me.

 And next up, Jensen has recently begun "helping" me with laundry (making it impossible to do when the babies are awake!). Here are some of his most helpful moves...

 And finally, a picture of Charlotte and Jensen together and happy in their 8-Month gear.

I can't believe I forgot to post that one! Before I got pregnant, I was never a believer in "pregnancy brain"...I always felt like it was a cop-out for doing dumb things. Even when pregnant, I don't feel like I really got any more absentminded than I already was (but then again, I have always been the type to lose my keys only to find them in the refrigerator). However, I seem to have some kind of "post-pregnancy brain" going on. I keep finding myself in random rooms of my house, and I'll just know I went in there for a reason but I'll have NO idea why. And it seems like every time I get in the car and start driving somewhere, I will look up a few minutes (or miles) later and will be headed nowhere near where I'm supposed to be going. I am not kidding, my mother-in-law has been in the car with me at least three times when this has happened...I'm kind of surprised she still trusts me to take care of her grandkids. I seriously feel like I'm getting dumber every day. I can joke about it, but it really is a bit disorienting...hey, kinda like when I find myself in a random room of my house with no idea how I got there!

So...happy 8 month birthday, Charlotte and Jensen (again)!


  1. No worries on the carrots...I gave them to both my girls all the time. The baby carrots are really great for little hands!

    And you might think you are dumb now...just wait til your babies are talking and remind you of how dumb you are out loud. THAT's when it's really fun! :)

  2. Yes, I got a little bit behind over the holidays..but I'm catching up. Have no fear, i'm here.
