Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Request

People say a lot of dumb things to me in regard to having twins, but one that really irks me is any form or variation of the following: "Oh, you have twins! I want twins! Having twins would be so fun!"

I know that (unlike the lovely folks who say things like, "OMG, twins? If I were you, I'd kill myself!"), these people are being nice. It's just that they really don't know what they're asking for. And no, I'm not talking about the mounds of laundry, the huge boxes of diapers that disappear in days, the challenge of changing out of my sweatpants (much less actually leaving the house), the sleepless nights, or even the time I spend wishing that those stupid scientists would actually perfect that whole cloning thing so that I can be two places at once. I'm talking about what happens before all of that. I'm talking about being pregnant with twins.

It isn't easy, and it definitely isn't so fun. As you all know, my pregnancy certainly didn't seem easy...but here's the thing: compared with most twin pregnancies, it actually was easy. It was a walk in the park, actually. I carried my babies to 37 weeks, and they didn't need a single minute in the NICU. I think about that on a daily basis and it continues to make me feel amazed and blessed and thankful. Twin pregnancies can be scary, unpredictable, and full of worry. Most twins are born before 37 weeks, sometimes way before.

Which brings me to my request. A fellow member of my moms of multiples group recently gave birth to her twin girls at 26 weeks. One weighed somewhere around 1 1/2 pounds, and the other weighed 13 ounces. Their names are Ada and Siena. They are obviously still in the NICU but are proving to be tough little cookies. I, along with everyone else from our MoMs group, have been waiting for updates and asking for something to do to help. Today, the family posted a link to the website they've set up for the girls ( along with the following message:

Please pass on this note as well. We need all the prayer warriors we can recruit!

So that's all this family has asked for...prayers. And I know that many of you said prayers for Charlotte and Jensen before they were born, so I am asking you to please take a minute and say a prayer for Ada and Siena. I know they would really appreciate it, and so would I. Thank you.

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