Monday, December 20, 2010

Out With the Old...

As I've previously mentioned, my two precious babies and the absolutely insane amount of stuff that goes with them are taking over our house one burp cloth at a time. Fortunately, one of my mom's good friends (who actually helped throw one of my baby showers) is expecting a grandbaby soon and was willing to take some of our outgrown stuff off our hands. I am relieved to see the outgrown stuff go to a good home, but you know me, and I am also sad to say goodbye to some of the gear that Charlotte and Jensen used during their first months of life. So of course I had to take some pictures to do a little comparing...

First, their car seats. At our six-month checkup, the pediatrician said C and J were ready for their big-kid car seats. We didn't get them right away (because those suckers are expensive!) but since my parents got them for us for Christmas, it became time to say good-bye to the Snugrides (which were, in fact, becoming quite a snug ride for Mr. Jensen!).

Teeny tiny babies (only a few days old).

And today, almost 8 months later.

Of course, Wild Man had to get a little crazy during his last time in his car seat...

Whoops. Don't worry folks, he's okay. He falls down at least ten times a day.

 And next we have their play yard. This sucker was awesome. A really, really good buy that the babies (especially Charlotte) absolutely loved. But recently they've decided that they're just too mature for their play yard and have moved on to bigger and better things.

I believe they were about six weeks old in this pic.

Charlotte used to LOVE to watch her brother!

Jensen even used the play yard for naps on occasion!

In recent days, the play yard served mostly as a place for me to toss all their toys at the end of the day. Oh, and as an obstacle that Jensen would just plow through whenever it got in his way:

When you're a man on the move, nothing can slow you down!

I decided to stick them in there together today for one last pic:

Yep, they have grown a bit!

Not much spare room in here anymore!

They actually seemed happy in there for a split second, and I began to think we should keep it for a bit. But then Jensen up and crawled right out, and Charlotte started squawking to be picked up. So, the play yard will move onto a place where it's appreciated!

All in all, we handed down four car seat bases, two car seats, the play yard, a bumbo seat and a swing. Oh, and someone from my multiples group is taking my Double Snap 'n' Go stroller off my hands at the next meeting. Whew! It just kills me how quickly we are outgrowing things (expensive things!) but it makes me feel better to know that it's all going to be used again.

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