Friday, May 27, 2011

13 Months!

Last Sunday, Brian and I took the babies up to HomeGoods to have a look around for a couple of things we need. A woman stopped to talk to us about Charlotte and Jensen (she was there shopping for a few items for her granddaughter's nursery). When she asked how old they were, we told her that they just turned one. We went about our shopping (after, of course, the woman told us that her daughter was only having one baby,  "Thank God"--seriously, are people ever going to stop feeling sorry for us??) and it wasn't until later that night that we realized Charlotte and Jensen didn't just turn one--they turned 13 months old that very day! And I know I said I was looking forward to not doing these monthly posts anymore, but I do just want to take a few minutes to record a bit about what C & J are up to at 13 months old.

Charlotte Anne at 13 Months
I just happen to know (because of our recent trip to the doctor for her Hand, Foot & Mouth disease) that she weighs 19.10 pounds. We have decided we are going to throw a party for our little peanut when she finally breaks the 20-pound mark!

Looking more like her daddy every day!

Charlie is a chatterbug! She seriously talks constantly...most of the time, it's in her own special language that only she understands, but she does have quite a few words that she either says on her own or repeats: dog, cat, ball, banana, dada, mama, bye-bye, owl, blue (seems to be her favorite color), woof, car. She is obsessed with riding in her wagon and she loves to cruise down the street chatting to herself and everything she sees. A new love of Charlie's is cars and trucks. (As you can imagine, her dad is quite excited about this.) When we read books or go on walks, she points at different cars and trucks (she especially likes trucks) and squeals until I tell her what color the car or truck is. She knows Grandma's car and can point it out when asked. Charlie still isn't walking on her own...she much prefers to be carried everywhere she wants to go!

Love those little bitty legs!
Jensen Todd at 13 Months

My little wild man has been walking--no, make that running--everywhere! He is getting very quick! We have been gradually making more areas of the house available to Charlie and Jensen, and he finds it very exciting to explore every nook and cranny of his new territory. He loves to read, and if I ask him to bring me a book, he'll walk over to his book bin, dig around to find a favorite, and bring it to me happily. And speaking of favorite books--he has one in particular that's a clear winner. It's called If My Dad Were a Dog, and the artwork features a real dog (chocolate lab). Jensen is obsessed with this book and we read it several times each night (we bought our own so we wouldn't destroy the library copy). We even found him napping like this one day:

He pulled the book from the floor into his crib.

As I mentioned in another post, Jensen caught Charlotte's Hand, Foot & Mouth disease a few days after she came down with it. When Jensen gets sick, he is soooo grumpy. I am so used to him being such a happy dude that it makes me so sad to see him not himself.

And finally, here are a couple pics of Charlotte and Jensen together this month. This was one morning when the air-conditioning man came to repair our AC. Charlotte and Jensen thought it was quite interesting to watch him work, and I'm sure he thought it was a bit odd to have two babies wearing only diapers staring at him while he went about his work:

It's hard to tell, but Jensen is giving the AC repairman his "shy" smile.
Happy 13 months, my precious little stinkers!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I got behind in here due to all the activity at the library (it is kicking our rear ends)...see I didn't type butts. LOve the pic of them watching the AC man..very cute
