Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

This evening while we got the babies ready for bed, Charlotte gave me a homemade gift that no amount of money could possibly buy: She pooped on the carpet in the nursery. Then crawled through it. Happy Mother's Day to me! One load of laundry, one scalding-hot shower, and one large glass of wine later, I think I have finally stopped dry-heaving for long enough to blog about our other, less disgusting, Mother's Day events.

Since my brother had to work today, we had a nice brunch/lunch at Rio Mambo yesterday to celebrate my mom's Mother's Day. I didn't take any pics, but we had a great time and Charlotte and Jensen were on their best behavior. They tend to do great at restaurants because they love to people-watch. They also enjoyed some yummy cheese quesadillas, and had their first taste of lime...priceless! We then came back to our house and gave my mom her gifts. Remember when I went to that Painting with a Twist place and did the Breakfast at Tiffany's painting? My mom looked at it and asked why the box in the painting was blue...she'd never heard of the famous "little blue box" from Tiffany's. I thought that was pretty cute, so while we were in NYC, Brian and I made it a point to visit Tiffany's and get my mom her first little blue box as a Mother's Day/Thanks-for-watching-our-kids-while-we-went-to-NYC gift. Inside was a pair of silver earrings that we thought she would like:

On Saturday night, Brian's parents gave us a lovely gift...they watched Charlotte and Jensen for us so that we could attend the wedding of our friends Ryan and Lindsay. Once again I didn't have my camera, but it was a really fun time and I was so thrilled to see them get married...they're one of those couples that is just a perfect fit and they looked so happy all night. And Charlotte and Jensen had a great time playing with their Tita and Papaw...a few fun wagon rides, dinner, and bedtime...and only one little poop-in-the-bathtub mishap (wow, poop seems to be a recurring theme this weekend!).

This morning, I received yet another priceless gift...Brian let me sleep in until almost 10:00! I can't remember the last time I slept that late and it was pretty much the best thing ever and much-needed after all the wine fun I had at the wedding. For Mother's Day, Brian got me a gift card to get a massage, and Charlie and Jensen got me some charms from Helen Ficalora to put on a necklace. They aren't here yet but I can't wait to get them! (And thanks to Robin for your help! :) ) I have been wanting something to wear every day that reminds me of my little stinkers so this was a perfect gift.

My Mother's Day loot (and messy kitchen).
I was sitting here trying to remember last year's Mother's Day...and I can't. I seriously can't remember anything we did that day. I think we were pretty much in survival mode at that point, and it made me even more thankful to be where we are now...not just surviving, but enjoying every minute with our kiddos. Poop and all. :)


  1. I had a LOL moment at the crawling poop story..precious. Ooooo the earrings are great..I'm thinking she loved them.

  2. Ha! Love the poop story! That was so sweet of Charlotte!! She must have been trying to do something extra special that you would always remember! :) Glad you had a good mother's day!
