Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spoons are Hard!

I heard or read or saw somewhere that you should start letting kiddos practice using utensils at around a year old...I guess just get them used to the idea of feeding themselves with spoons and forks. The idea of handing my kids forks is still a bit frightening, but I have started giving them spoons to use with their yogurt and applesauce just to see how they do.

Yes, that is poor little Charlie in her brother's hand-me-down pajamas. Must've been laundry day.

Needless to say, it is not going well.


  1. Ha..those are really cute Marcy..yes there will be a lot to clean up

  2. Oooo you got so brave. My comments don't need to be approved by you any longer. I just hope I can behave and not shame you.
