Sunday, May 8, 2011

Buh-Bye, Bottles!

I have roughly 50 million unfinished blog posts...I keep starting them, then getting sidetracked and then a week later realizing I still haven't finished. But I need to do a post about the fact that our house is now a bottle-free zone! I'll keep it short and to the point:

  • Monday was our last day to give the kiddos bottles!
  • They don't seem to love drinking milk from their sippy cups...we've tried a few different kinds of milk and coconut milk seems to be the winner. They'll drink a few ounces of it at a time.
  • We've had some grumpy mornings and evenings, but overall C&J are doing well. They've been sleeping through the night (we were afraid they wouldn't after we dropped their bedtime bottle, but so far so good!).
  • I am not going to miss washing, sterilizing, drying, and buying formula for these little suckers:
Just look at all those parts! I still don't even know what most of them do!

  • I do kind of miss the cuddle time that came with giving the babies their bottles...but to alleviate the sadness I just grab Charlie or Jensen and hold them while they're drinking from their sippy cup. And then I remember the washing, sterilizing, drying, and buying formula for the bottles...and I suddenly feel much better. 
  • Did I mention I no longer have to wash, sterilize, dry, and buy formula for bottles??

1 comment:

  1. I can probably give you some sippy cups from the library lost and found
