Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Library Haul

Because I couldn't find a book called, What To Do When Your Cute Little Peanut Crawls Up to You and Sinks Her Teeth Into Your Leg. And Then When You Firmly Tell Her, 'No', She Gives You an Evil Grin and Then Bites You Again. Only Harder.


  1. Hahahah...don't come to the library this week, we won't know how to check anything out, reserve get the drift.
    You could not have done much better writing that caption then you did....brilliant.

  2. Hi Marcy! It's Alli. This post mace me laugh because Griffin was a biter and it was SO frustrating. I read all these books and websites. Sadly nothing we tried worked and he had to just grow out of it, but I wish you better luck ;).
