Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Twelve Month Checkup Stats

Charlotte and Jensen had their twelve-month checkup this afternoon at our doctor's office. I am pleased to say that both kiddos checked out just great! A few concerns I brought up with the doctor were:

Jensen seems quite bowlegged when he walks. (Our doctor said it was fine.)

Charlotte's not-so-lovely new habit of biting me! And, just so the doctor wouldn't think I was a liar, Charlotte bit me several times during the appointment. (The doctor said to ignore her. Or she also said I could try timeout...not sure how that would work with my feisty little Bug!)

What kind of milk should they be drinking? Whole milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, etc? (Our doc's answer: She doesn't care. (She's pretty laid-back about most things.) So I think we'll just see what Charlotte and Jensen seem to like.)

Jensen still spits up occasionally. (The doctor said it was fine since he mostly does it after drinking lots of water and it doesn't seem to bother him at all...and he is gaining plenty of weight. :) )

At one year, we seem to have one walker (Jensen) and one talker (Charlie). Jensen says a few words (mama, dada, dog) but pretty much walks everywhere these days...crawling is for babies! Charlie, on the other hand, doesn't have walking down just yet, but has lots of words: Mama, dada, dog, hi, bye-bye, owl (that one would make a lot more sense if you'd seen their birthday party decorations!), block, ball, uh-oh, and I've been told that she said 'banana' the other day...although I might have to hear that one for myself! One very cute thing is that I thought that Charlie would see Jensen walking and it might motivate her to walk, too...this has not exactly been the case. Instead, whenever Charlotte and Jensen are playing chase or peek-a-boo, he will get down and crawl with her. It's pretty much the only time he crawls, and I think it's pretty sweet.

And since I didn't really do a typical "monthly" post when my stinkers turned a year old, here are a few more of their 12-month pics. It was quite strange to stick the very last of the monthly stickers onto their white onesies...I gotta tell ya, I don't think I'll miss taking these monthly pics! For some reason, the monthly stickers come out and so do the bad moods (especially for a certain little temperamental girl we all know and love).

Charlotte Anne's 12 Month Stats:
Height: 50th percentile
Weight: 25th percentile (19.4 pounds)
Head: Small (I can't remember % but it was quite tiny!)

Jensen Todd's 12 Month Stats:
Height: 75th percentile (I knew he'd been growing like a weed!)
Weight: 50th percentile (22.9 lbs)
Head: 50th percentile

And of course, a few pics of my loves together...

Jensen spies Charlie's 12-month sticker...

It looks quite interesting...

Got it!

One of these days, I'll get the pictures from their birthday party and be able to finally, officially wrap up Charlotte and Jensen's first year...until then, I'm just counting my blessings that I have two happy, healthy one-year-olds! And that I'm DONE taking monthly pictures! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love when Jensen grabbed Charlotte's favorite pic
