Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hey, I Put Some New Shoes On...

As I've mentioned a time or four, Jensen has some chubby feet. As in, I have only found a couple of pairs of shoes that I can squeeze his chubby feet into...and they don't look too comfy. So yesterday we headed out to Stride Rite to get him fitted for some shoes that will actually be comfortable and supportive as he walks all over the place. My mom and Tammy came along too, and we stopped for lunch at Jason's Deli before heading to the mall. At Jason's Deli, I had two realizations: First, that Jason's is a great place to take the babies...they have those high chairs that roll, so you plop the babies in and roll them all over the restaurant. They thought they were pretty awesome. Second, that Charlotte and Jensen have reached a wonderful milestone: I don't have to pack them food anymore! I can order them things off the menu! I can't tell you how nice it is to not have to chop up and pack little containers of food...all I had to do was toss two sippy cups in the diaper bag and we were good to go! And as you can see, Charlotte quite enjoyed her grilled cheese sandwich:

When our bellies were full, it was time to shop! First stop: Stride Rite. Jensen giggled as he got his feet measured and we discovered that he is a size 4 1/2 wide. Next, it was Charlotte's turn. She did not find the feet-measuring as amusing, and we were really surprised to discover that her feet measured wide as well. The curse of the Morlock feet strikes again! Her feet don't look the slightest bit wide to me, but that could be because I see them next to Jensen's chubsters. Anyways, the babies quite enjoyed crawling around Stride Rite, and at one point Charlotte even tried to make a break for it:
"This place is lame...where's Neiman's?"

After purchasing a pair of shoes for Charlotte and a pair for Jensen, I had to see if there were any good sales at Baby Gap. My mom and Tammy each took a baby while I took the empty stroller and browsed. I couldn't exactly see Charlotte or Jensen, but every once in awhile I could hear Jensen's excited scream...I think there might have been some troublemaking going on at Baby Gap. When I finally found them, this is what I saw:

Poor little guy looks so defeated. Shopping with the girls is tough.

Charlotte and Jensen were all shopped out, so we headed home. I haven't taken any pics of the shoes on their little feet, but here they are...our first pairs of shoes that actually, officially fit:

Unfortunately, the tiny shoes don't come with a tiny price tag to match! Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. So funny! My favorite part of the girls' growing up was the "no food to carry" part too! IT'S THE GREATEST...and honestly, better even than the "I dont' have to carry diapers anymore" event. :) (Just cuz that means LOTS of stops to the potty when we "think" we have to go!)
