Friday, April 15, 2011

We Love New York(ers): Part 3

This week, we enjoyed a visit from yet another set of New York friends. Renee, Logan and baby Nolan were in town for a visit so we took advantage and got together as often as their crazy schedule would allow. Renee liked the family pictures that we had taken back in November and arranged for Missy Saunders to take some family pics while they were in on Monday my mom, Tammy, Charlotte, Jensen and I tagged along with them to the Botanic Gardens.

I had grand ideas of taking some lovely spring pictures of Charlie and Jensen while we were there, but that didn't happen. It turns out that the Botanic Gardens (at least the area we were in) is not too stroller-friendly, so we were too busy lugging Charlotte, Jensen, their stroller, their lunch, and all their assorted baby gear around to really think about taking pictures. (It's pretty funny to notice the differences between people who live here (i.e., me) and people who live in New York (i.e., Renee and Logan). While I was huffing and puffing and griping about all the walking up and down steps with the babies and stroller, Renee and Logan just picked up the stroller (with Nolan in it) and walked up flights of stairs like it was no big thing. You can tell they're used to walking everywhere while I'm used to walking to and from my minivan.)

Anyways, Missy got some awesome pics of baby Nolan! I don't know a ton about photography etiquette, but I figure it's bad form to stand behind a professional and take pictures over her shoulder. I did, however, manage to snap this one from afar:

How cute is that? And Nolan was so good...he was happy for the entire photo shoot! She has already posted a few of the pics on her blog and they turned out awesome. After the shoot was over we headed to Blue Mesa for lunch, where Nolan quickly decided that he might have a bit of a crush on Charlotte:

He was giving her kisses (and chewing on her arm) at the table. Pretty cute. The next day the whole gang came over to hang out at our house for awhile. Charlotte got dressed up in a skirt and welcomed Nolan to her home with a big smooch:

Such a good hostess, huh?

We sat around and let the babies play for awhile, then got a takeout lunch from Oliver's. Nolan enjoyed all the new and exciting toys, Charlotte enjoyed trying to keep him away from the new and exciting toys, and Jensen was kind of oblivious to Nolan's presence. I think he prefers his playmates to be a bit more mobile. :) Here are a few more pics from their visit:

Two handsome dudes.

Renee, Charlotte and Sophie. And Charlotte's belly.

Happy Nolan. And a cameo by Charlotte's belly.

All three kiddos together.

I'm so happy that we finally got to meet Nolan...he's a cutie who looks just like his mom! Renee and I have been friends since first grade, so it's still a little hard to believe that we both have babies of our own...we just wish they (and our other NYC friends!) lived a bit closer (hint, hint). Maybe Charlotte and Jensen will have to plan a trip to the Big Apple one of these days to visit all their little buddies!

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