Friday, April 8, 2011

Mr. Man's First Haircut

I put it off for as long as I could. But it was time. My little dude was getting quite shaggy...his hair had grown over his ears and was almost in his eyes...

Pre-haircut: Shaggy dude!

Almost covering those beautiful eyes.

Dangerously close to mullet territory.

I made an appointment for him at one of those places that just cuts kids' hair, and Brian took a late lunch so he could meet us there. Grandma came too (do you really think she would have missed the first haircut??).

Charlie came along too, of course.

He's thinking about making a break for it! 

Checking out his new ride.

I almost died at the cuteness of the tiny cape!

"Careful, lady! I'm ticklish!"

"Just a little off the sides, please."

Getting started...he wasn't too sure about this.

He began to eye the lady suspiciously. She asked if he could have a lollipop. I'm mean, so I said no...but we did have some of his puffs to snack on.

So serious.

"More puffs, please!"

"Yes, much better. Thank you."

The razor was a bit scary.

"Look at Daddy!"
All finished! I love this little boy so much!

Jensen did a great job...he was a little bit fidgety but he didn't cry or fuss at all. I was so proud of my little man! We have his "First Haircut" certificate and a lock of his hair to commemorate the occasion. Everyone warned me that once Jensen got his first haircut, he'd look more like a little boy and less like a baby...and he does look very grown-up. He also looks so much like my dad--it's hilarious! Here are a few "after" pics:

Um, it looks a tad bit too short in this pic. Oh well, I'm sure it will grow fast!

 So, a successful first haircut...the first of many! Great job, Little Dude! We love you and can't believe you're getting so big! 


  1. Oh yummy, nothing is quite as tasty as hair covered cheese puffs.

  2. I love that place...that's where Camryn used to get her hair cut. So great! He's a handsome little piece of trouble! :) But where's the moustache??
