Monday, April 4, 2011

How We Spent Our Tax Refund

It's tax season! And I'm no finance whiz, but here's a tax tip for you: having two babies in one year = bigger refund! Brian and I were able to use part of our refund to do a little remodel on a part of our house that's rarely seen by visitors but important nonetheless: our closet. The closet isn't tiny, but it was impractical. The builder and previous owners had installed all kinds of random shelves and cubbies and it was just a really good example of a bad use of space. And if there's one thing Brian hates, it's a bad use of space...I would often find him standing in the closet, looking around, wheels turning in his head. It was driving him crazy and so we finally got around to our little closet makeover. Here are a couple of "after" shots of my favorite parts:

The bad part? Seeing my shoes look so nice and organized is making me want to buy more shoes. And on the bottom right, you'll see the hanging space for my dresses. I love that they have room to hang without bunching on the floor!

In the old closet, dirty clothes went in the unmatched wicker baskets I'd had since college. In the new closet, laundry goes in one of three of these handy little pull-out bins. So in other words, it's out of sight, out of mind!

This is the largest of the's for colors (there's also one for whites and one for dry cleaning). This one is empty because I'm a supermom who does laundry every day I took it out of the pic so you wouldn't have to look at it.

I have to admit, I was pretty "whatever" about the whole project...Brian actually had to kind of talk me into it (which, unsurprisingly, the saleswoman said is usually not the case with husbands and wives!). But it was a fairly painless process and I am really happy with the results. The best part (well, besides my new shoe rack) is that with all our newfound storage we were able to eliminate Brian's dresser from our master bedroom (which is on the small side, so the extra space is nice!).

Oh, and for the record...the new closet is Charlie-Approved!


  1. I know YOU have a lot more shoes then that Marcy...where did you hide them all? I see one empty space...which means you ONLY get one more pair of shoes.

  2. Actually, I'll have you know that the closet lady said I have less pairs of shoes than most women! I told Brian he was a lucky guy. :)

  3. where did you order from? Container store? memory of Brian from Junior HIgh does not involve his wheels turning looking at something to organize! makes me laugh!!
