Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's the Best Exhibit at the Zoo?

Why, that would be this one:

Four sets of wild animals!

Yes, Jensen and Charlotte enjoyed their first trip to the Fort Worth Zoo yesterday. We were joined by three other sets of twins from our multiples group...Telsy & Luke, Jackson & Wyatt, and Adele and Pearl. I almost chickened out and stayed home because of the wind, but I'm so glad we turned out to be a great day. Charlotte and Jensen always enjoy checking out their little pals, and I love to chat with my MoM friends. Here are a few pics from our zoo day:

Before we went inside. There was no way they were going to look at the camera with all the kids running around.

First stop: Gorillas! Jensen was still much more interested in the people around him.

Next up were the giraffes.

Charlotte sees them!

It was about this time that Jensen spotted Adele and Pearl. Jensen usually doesn't fact, it's something that has worried me a bit. However, as soon as I pulled his stroller up next to the two pretty girls, he began waving away at them. He seemed to be quite smitten with Pearl...later in the day, he shared some of her puffs. So romantic!

Here he is, leaning out of his stroller trying to get to them...I guess I can't blame him; they are some gorgeous baby girls!

Once the flirting was over, we visited the white tiger. I think this was the best part for the kiddos...he was pacing right behind the glass. Actually, he looked a bit hungry.


The aquarium was another favorite since they could get right near the action.

Charlotte's little pointer finger in action again.

We had a great first visit to the zoo...we were, however, quite the spectacle (as I'm sure you can imagine four sets of twins would be). Most of the attention we got was positive and one woman even used us to give her kids a little impromptu biology lesson ("See, twins can be two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl!"). The only rude comment we got was from a woman who said "I feel sooo sorry for you when they all turn two!" Not sure what to say to that one. After we visited the animals, two sets of twins headed home so Amy and I found a picnic table and Charlotte and Jensen ate lunch with Jackson and Wyatt (and Charlotte did a bit of flirting with the boys!). All in all, they did great at the zoo and I think they had a good time looking at everything and just being outside. Look out, Fort Worth Zoo...I'm sure the twin exhibit will be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! I love the zoo, especially in the spring time! We spent many a day out there, but haven't been in a while. And seriously, how rude for that one lady to say that. I mean, really??? Some people are so clueless.
